Chapter 10

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Bucky's pov-

*Beep Beep Beep* 

It was 5 am as my alarm rang. The thing is, I was already awake. What could wake me up earlier than my alarm have? A nightmare. It wasn't just any nightmare, though. The dream was a memory of what happened to my left arm. It was very terrible. I still feel slightly guilty that pa didn't make it, but I did, even though it happened all those years ago. 

Well, my left arm didn't make it. 

It's funny how they had to use a metal arm instead of another humans' arm because they didn't have any left. I find it kind of cool, though - having a metal arm - because now I have this extra strength. I even get to change it every year! I'm surprised I even have friends or that I have Isabella as my girlfriend with this arm.

I decided to get up and start getting ready for school, but not before sending Sam a good morning text message because why not? We wouldn't be speaking for how many hours?? And I just figured out that I might have feelings for him. Maybe.

As I got in the shower, I thought about ways to tell Isabella about the situation of me being bi-sexual. How will she react? What if she breaks up with me? Oh please, if she does, I have Sam. No, no, no, no! I love Isabella. I will be so heartbroken if she breaks up with me. It'll be kind of stupid, to be honest, because if I like guys too, that doesn't change the fact that I have feelings for her.

I finished showering as I put on a dark green sweater that I bought at H&M with a pair of blue jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed my hair. I look good, right? Yeah. I brushed my teeth before heading downstairs. "Morning, James," my ma said, turning around to get my breakfast as she sipped her coffee that's in her 'best mom' cup. 

"Morning, ma," I said as I took my breakfast from her, sitting down at the table. Just then, Rebecca came running down the stairs saying, "I hope you kept some breakfast for me, Bucky! You fucking fat hippo- oh hey ma, good morning, may I have breakfast too?" I rolled my eyes but laughed anyway, ma laughing too. "Don't call your brother a fat hippo, Rebecca he barely came down just like you did." "Thank you!" I said, with my mouth full. My ma then turned to me and said, "and you. Don't talk when you have food in your mouth." Whatever. "Sorry," I grumbled.

Rebecca and I finished eating breakfast, so we started walking to school. We usually walk to school instead of having me drive us to school because ma doesn't want what happened to me to happen again. I don't like what happened to me, but that was my pa driving. I'm pretty sure if I was the one driving, we wouldn't have gone through that. 

Shortly after, we arrived at school.

Just as I got to my locker, I heard this one kid - that's in my 4th period - named Clint say to this group of people that he usually hangs out with, "Did yall know this kid named Jacob in my 4th-period class is dating Sam? Sam's also in my 4th period." This other kid, who I think is named Peter, said, "oh yes! I heard about that too! I heard that Jacob texted him randomly and asked him out! And Sam said yes! Aren't they cute?" he slightly started jumping, with a wide smile. It was disgusting. Sam and Jacob? Please tell me this isn't real!

I started feeling irritated. All the thoughts I was gathering on how I was going to tell Isabella that I was bi, went away. How could Jacob do this to me? How could Sam do this to me? Jacob and Sam did not go well. What are they even thinking?! I wanted to punch Jacob so bad. I shouldn't even be acting like this; I understand that I have Isabella, but I couldn't help it.

Just then, I saw Sam walking down the hallway, looking down at his phone. I started walking up to him before my brain could even process what I'm doing. I pulled him over to an empty hallway before saying, "You left me yesterday just to go on a stupid date with Jacob?" I asked, looking at him. He looked up to me and his eyebrows furrowed. "Wha-" I cut him off, "oh please, Sam! Cut the bullshit! We were having a moment! A-a fun friends and you-you ruined it because all you wanted to do was go on a stupid, worthless date with Jacob?!" 

"Calm down Bucky, I didn't go on a date with anyone yesterday!". I scoffed angrily, "I should calm down?! Don't tell me to calm d-" Sam cut me off this time, "even if I go on a date with someone, why should you care?" I rolled my eyes, "I don't care-" "then stop this madness, Bucky!" he said, starting to get angry himself. "But you left me!" He scoffed, "I didn't leave you! I dropped you home yesterday." "You made it seem like it was so important, so I let it slide, but this whole time it was for a date! A fucking date Sam!" 

He huffed, "it was-no it is important!". I rolled my eyes, "oh yeah? What is so important that you had to lie about leaving?". "For fucks sake Bucky! I'm sorry that my family problem is so much important than me hanging out with you!" I laughed a humorless laugh, rolling my eyes again before saying, "Oh so now it's a family problem?". "It's always a family problem Buck! I already have that to deal with, so I don't feel like adding you to the list. Believe what you want to believe. I don't know where you heard that from, but it's a lie. Now, if you'll excuse me, I don't want to be late for first period for an idiotic reason." Sam said as he began walking away, not even looking back at me.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe what Clint and Peter heard was just a stupid rumor and me being the dumbass, I took it to the heart.

I hope it's just a rumor because I don't think I can handle it being true.

I huffed, looking up. Can this day get any worse?

"James! Get to class!"



Chapter 10 done <3

Jacob and Sam? Dating? Hmm

Reminder: Go drink water =)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter <33


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