Chapter 21

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Sam's pov-

I heard mutterings coming from inside as I was unlocking the door.

It was a Sunday afternoon. I had spent the morning with Steve.

As I stepped inside the apartment, I saw my mother crying. My aunt and Sarah were by her side, trying to comfort her.

"Wh-why are y-you still h-here?" My mother asked, looking at Sarah then at her sister. 

"We're your family, Darlene! 'Course we're staying with you no matter what you do!" My aunt said, bringing her closer to her. She then added, "Jay's stupidass is going to get a beating. But at least now you know how blinded you were by him, what an ass you've been to your kids."

My mother looked up at her, "But- I've also been an ass to y-you too."

My aunt shook her head, "no-no, baby, your kids need an apology before I do."

Just then, Sarah looked towards the door and spotted me, watching them with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Sam!" Sarah called me.

Both my mother and my aunt turned towards the door. My mother got up fast, walking over to me.

"Oh, Samuel. I'm so so sorry," She said, pulling me into a hug as she cried.

"Uh-" I began looking at Sarah, then at my aunt.

My aunt gestured for me to hug her back, so I did.

I wrapped my hands around her, whispering, "what's wrong?"

I was beyond confused.

Just a few days ago, she wasn't home at all, and now, she's home crying.

"I started drinking. I started blaming you and your sister for your father's actions. I'm so so sorry," She sobbed, pulling me closer. "Jay- he was using me. H-he knew about my situation and took advantage of me. He knew that we didn't have that much money, yet he still took some from me and used it on his gi-" she stopped, choking on words - "girlfriend."

"What?!" I asked, pulling away from the hug. "Where is he now?!"

She shook her head, " I don't know. I keep trying to call him, but it keeps saying the number doesn't exist anymore. And where he stayed, he isn't there anymore."

"Fuck. Mom! Why did you even think you can trust someone who looked and treated your kids like that!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," My mother said, turning to Sarah. She walked over to Sarah, pulling her into a hug.

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