Chapter 15

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This chapter is based on Bucky's birthday 

Bucky's pov-

I woke up to the sound of my ma and Rebecca singing 'happy birthday.' It was a bit of a blur as I tried to stay awake, but I managed. "Happy birthday to you," they finished. "Thank you," I muttered, groaning a bit as I stared up at the ceiling.

My ma chuckled a bit as she said, "Come on, Rebecca, let's leave Bucky so he can get ready." 

After Rebecca walked out - but not before walking up to me to hug me - my ma walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. "Happy 19th birthday, baby." I groaned but hugged back. "Thanks, ma"

I still can't believe I'm 19 now. I get to change my arm soon! Just the thought of that made me excited.

"Alright. Go shower and get dressed, then come down to eat breakfast," my ma said as she started walking to the door. I hummed as she left.

I turned to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I saw that I had plenty of notifications on my phone. They were messages, posts on Instagram and Snapchat stories, tweets on Twitter, and more posts on other apps.

However, only one post caught my eye. Sam had posted an Instagram post of the two of them. The caption was breathtaking - well, maybe only to him -.

I would like to wish the most amazing guy a happy birthday. You are one of my best friends, and I can't imagine my life without you. You are kind, sweet, and overall a great friend. Have a great day, James. Love you <3

I found myself smiling as I liked the post and commented-

Thanks, Sammy. Love you too <3

I didn't realize I called Sam 'Sammy' until I clicked send. I didn't have a problem with it, though. It was a nice nickname for Sam.

I got up and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth before stripping out of my clothes to get into the shower.


About 15 minutes later, I walked downstairs and saw my ma and Rebecca sitting down at the table, eating their pancakes. My ma looked up, "Oh! Here's the birthday boy! Sit, James."

I walked over to the table and sat down. My pancake was much substantial than theirs were, but they could've already eaten some before I came down. There was writing with the syrup that said, Birthday boy. I smiled slightly before taking a bite from my pancakes.

As we continued to eat in silence, Rebecca and my ma took out a bag and a box - that was under the table -. How come I didn't see it? They passed it to me and continued eating while watching me, waiting for me to look into them.

I opened the box my ma gave me first just in case Rebecca had pulled a 'prank' in the bag she gave me. My ma had gotten me a new pair of shoes with a 50 dollar bill to the side. I smiled as I put the money into my pocket. I then looked into the bag Rebecca gave me. It had some of my favorite candies and a new headphone. I noticed something at the bottom. I pulled it up and saw that it was an envelope. I opened it and saw a 10 dollar bill with a note that said-

Happy birthday, idiot. here's a 10 dollar bill :)

I chuckled as I got up from my seat and walked over to them. I pulled both of them up and pulled us into a group hug. "Thank you," I said before kissing their foreheads.

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