Chapter 11

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Sam's pov-

How can Bucky argue about such an idiotic topic? Obviously, I had to go home yesterday. I shouldn't have to tell him what I'm doing at all times for him to believe that I'm not on a date with someone. Even if I did go on a date with someone, why should he care? He isn't my boyfriend or anything more than a friend. 

I made my way into Mr.Pym's class as I saw Steve and Natasha chatting. I made my way over to them as Natasha looked up at me. "Whats' got you all grumpy, pretty boy?" she asked as I sat down.

"Bucky is being a bitch...again," both Steve and Natasha scoffed. "No surprise there," Natasha said, rolling her eyes. "Agreed," Steve huffed. 

"Yeah, can I borrow a pencil?" I asked, getting my journal out. "What did he do this time?" Steve asked, handing me a pencil. "Thanks and uhh y'know... we were hanging out yesterday, but I had to leave for some...personal reasons...but today as I was walking to class, with my phone-" I showed them my phone before I continued talking - " he just...pulled me to this empty hallway and accused me of leaving him! I dropped him home yesterday, so I did not leave him. He thinks I left him just to go on a date with Jacob, but I didn't go on a date with anyone yesterday! He was making such a big deal out of nothing! I was afraid someone would have come there because of how loud he was being!"

Natasha scoffed, "sounds like someone's jealous," she said as Steve laughed. "Knowing Bucky, he's definitely jealous," Steve said as he and Natasha started laughing.

Jealous? Jealous of what? Isn't he straight?

Steve looked at me and noticed my questionable expression, "he might just be jealous because you're 'dating' his best bud. y'know, yall have to share him now and stuff."

Of course, why else would he care? His sister did say he had a girlfriend after all.

"That makes sense," I said as I began writing what Mr. Pym wrote as notes on the board. "Either way, babe, you got me," Natasha said as she winked.

 I chuckled, "oh please, I'll tell Sharon you aren't being loyal to her if you keep this act up" We started laughing as some of the kids in the class looked over at us.

We then started making small talks once in a while, but we still wrote the notes Mr. Pym gave us. He's nice, but you shouldn't get on his 'bad side.' We learned that because of the incident that happened to Steve. It wasn't that bad, though.

As Steve leaned forward to tell us something, Mr. Pym caught him. "Steve? Do you have something to tell the whole class?" Mr. Pym asked, looking at Steve intensely. Steve's face turned red as he stuttered, " uh n-no si-sir " Mr. Pym pushed his glasses up as he spoke up again," then I advise you to stop talking and get your notes written down." He then turned around as Steve put his head down and murmured, "why does this always happen to me?"

Natasha and I looked at one another, then chuckled.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling us that classed ended and for us to go to our next class.

"C'mere, pretty boy, walk with me so we can make it to Miss Carol's class early. You know how she gets when a student is late." I chuckled and turned to Steve, "I'll see you at lunch?" Steve looked up at me then looked down, a blush visible, "can't. Tony and I are going to the store nearby to buy some lunch before we go out to see the view up at the hill to eat there...I'll ask you both to come along, but-". Natasha cut him off, "but he wants to be alone with 'Mr. My Father Is A Billionaire' " she scoffed.

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