FANFICTION IDEA: The Truth (SW Sequel Rewrite)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars. It belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney. Any SW EU content belong to their respective owners/authors/creators too.


Rey let out a small breath with each step on the muddy path. Since she arrived on the strange island, she had been hiking up the mountain on it. The voice that told her to climb was silent, but Rey could still feel the sensation nagging at her, so she kept on moving upwards. BB-8 followed behind with a curious whirl every now and then.

After walking for so long, the nagging was gone, and Rey finally came to a stop. Her destination was a cliff just beyond a small hill. Large stones rested atop the green grass, sprawled near the gray cliffside. Rey stood there, staring at the vast expanse of ocean beyond the cliff. The sight was quite enthralling to see from afar.

Then, Rey realized something. For all she could sense and see, there not a single living on the planet. Only her and BB-8.

Anger rose inside of Rey. Had she traveled halfway across the galaxy, abandon her loyalties, and come to a backwater planet for this? No, no-there had to be something! Anything!

Rey glared out at the empty cliffside and roared, "Well, I'm here! I finally came! Just like you wanted!"

No response. She only heard the echo of her own voice. Rey called out again, "I'm here, so tell me what you want with me! Why did you bring me out here?!"

Still, nothing.


"You don't have to shout," a voice said from behind.

Rey whirled around, spurring the lightsaber to life. However, the Jedi weapon shook in her startled grasp. Rey could not stop, and her eyes widened in surprise at the speaker.

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master, hero of the Rebel Alliance, and destroyer of the first Death Star, sat calmly on a rock. The long white cloak draped over his shoulders and gathered on the cliffside. A smile spread across the wizened wrinkles, he looked confident for a dead man.

"What's wrong? Nexu got your tongue," the famed Jedi said cheekily.

Rey snapped herself out of her stupor. "Why am I here? Why have you been appearing to me?" she managed to say without almost breaking her voice.

"Why? Hmm..." Luke turned away his grey eyes. "I was wondering the same for thing for a while."

The anger Rey felt before rose again in her. She rushed at Luke, rising the Jedi's own blade to strike him down. Luke, on the other hand, sat where he was, unhinged.

Instead of reaching Luke, Rey was lifted off her feet, and her back skidded on the ground. The lightsaber, once in her hands, fell onto the ground, its blade extinguished. Rey tried to reach for it, but the hilt slid away and flew into the hands of the man she tried attacking.

"You should be more careful. You can hurt yourself with that," Luke said admonishingly.

Rey sat up, now able to glare at the dead Jedi. "Just what do you want with me?! Why did you bring me out here?!" she demanded.

The infuriating smile on Luke's face disappeared, replaced by a sad look. "I've been trying to contact you. For a long time, I did... I wanted to see you so badly. To tell you so many things so you were ready. Now, that you've opened yourself up, I can talk with you."

Sitting on the ground, Rey could only watch and listen to the Jedi Master. "It won't be easy for you to hear this, but you must. Now that the galaxy knows I'm gone, someone needs to take my place." Luke gazed at Rey with that same, sad smile. "I hoped Ben would do it. Not just for your safety, but for his own redemption."

Rey blinked. Her safety? What was he talking about?

Luke answered her unspoken question. "I didn't want you to get hurt. I wanted to protect you," he glanced down at the saber, "but that is no longer an option."

"Why choose me?"

"Many have told you that you were weak. Mediocre. But you're more than that, Rey. You have powers you haven't explored yet. With enough training, you can help the galaxy and yourself."

"But why me?" Rey pressed.

Luke knelt in front of Rey and placed the hilt in her palm. "The Force is strong in my family," he said quietly as he gently grasped Rey's other hand. "My father has it... I have it... my sister has it..."

Closing Rey's fingers on the old saber, Luke stared her in the eye and finished, "... you have that power too."

Rey could not say anything for a long moment. She stared back in disbelief at the grand hero, who smiled back at her. Her shock and surprise was obvious.

Moreso after she blinked and found Luke was nowhere to be seen. However, Rey could still hear him.

"Calm your mind and you will see... The present... the past... old friends long gone..."

So the voice of Luke Skywalker faded, leaving Rey alone to the sounds of a soothing ocean and of a confused BB-8. She looked down to the saber now in her hands. The words were fresh in her mind, and she listened to them, closing her eyes. Everything fell away-the island, the ocean, the sky, and BB-8 vanished.

And at long last, Rey couldsee.




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