ORIGINAL IDEA: Prepping for the Day

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White and gold. They were the same colors Ghuraybah saw in the mirror, along with the same face. It was like an ancient Earth painting she once saw, supposedly by made the fingers of infants. Her own painting was a slender, angular background, framed by the dark strands of her hair. In fact, many would comment on how the gold looked like dried paint or how the white would glimmer in the suns (well, as much as of the suns anyone could see on Sahar without being burned). 

With a wave of her hand, Ghuraybah dismissed the mirror. The green holographic screen replaced it, listing her schedule for the day. "Let's see," she murmured to herself, a thin and equally colorful finger brushing against each set time. "... Meeting with Doctor Ajman, then collecting samples... probably should do something about the water distiller afterwards..." 

Ghuraybah carried on, murmuring to herself to cement each task in her mind. It was a tiny tick of hers that would annoy her peers, and often did, to the point that they would go to another room. Fortunately, Ghuraybah was alone in her own quarters, so there was no one to see or hear-

A face flashed in front of her and said, "-are you there?"

A startled Ghuraybah jumped in her seat. A second later, she put a hand over her pounding heart and breathed. "Mom, please stop doing that," she told the forty-some-year-old woman on her screen.

The same woman frowned. Though the shine on her pale skin made it hard to see, Ghuraybah noticed the creases that could only be made by such an expression. "I wouldn't have to if you responded to my calls," her mother retorted. "It doesn't hurt to contact your mother every now and then."

"Mom, you know I make time when I can, but I'm busy at my age. I am well over twenty cycles. I have to meet the quota, remember?"

"And I am a mother, remember? It's my job to worry.""

Ghuraybah held back a sigh. "How is everything?" she asked to change the subject. "I hope there isn't an emergency."

Thankfully, that softened her mother's expression. "Well, not exactly..." she said, a finger brushing to her lower lip. A sign of uncertainty, if Ghuraybah ever saw one. "... it's about Nadia's wedding. I've been hearing rumors from other people. They're saying the date might be pushed forward, and I'm worried you won't make it in time-"

"Don't worry, mom. Nadia gave me the update. The wedding is still not for another week."

Her mother blinked. "Oh, is it? I could've sworn it was in a few days."

"Nope, it's right here. See?" Ghuraybah said, and her hand went to the screen, swiping away one day's schedule for another and pointing at the special event in a gigantic white circle.

From the other end of the screen, her mother peered closely at the schedule, flipped for her convenience. "Ah, I see," she sighed and drew away. "And to think I was worried about getting a gift at the last minute. I swear, with all the preparations I've been doing, this wedding may be the death of me!"

Swiping her schedules away, Ghuraybah gave a patient smile. "I think that's for the bride and groom to worry about. You have more than enough on your plate to focus on a wedding gift."

"... I guess," With a smile conceding defeat, the worrisome mom gave her daughter a pleading look, "but promise you'll be home in time? I don't want to do this without you."

A softness tugged at Ghuraybah's lips and her heart. "I will. I'll see you soon."

"Take care, darling..." 

Ghuraybah last saw her mother's soft eyes and shining face disappeared. She stared at her own, splotches of gold staining it from the right brow to the left corner of her mouth. Both the stained and unstained corners frowned in dismay before Ghuraybah swiped her hand over the mirror, dimming it until she couldn't see anything.

The schedule popped in front, and Ghuraybah began typing in a new entry. "Probably should call Nadia, just to be safe," she murmured. It wouldn't be the first time someone else changed her plans.

A ring came through the door, and Ghuraybah jumped for the second time this morning. "Lab assistant," the voice droned, "Doctor Ajman is waiting for your arrival."

"I'll be outside," Ghuraybah answered, pulling herself away from her schedule. Standing up, she said, "Window, please. Level three."

The window obeyed, letting in only as much sunlight as needed to lit up in the blue floor and green walls. Turning left to the dimmed glass, Ghuraybah caught it. The great wastes of Sahar laid beyond. For the five years she had been on the planet, she rarely saw anything past the great Dome where everyone lived. Now, much like how Ghuraybah's own face would, the sands glistened red from the three suns setting in the distance. 

Ghuraybah also noticed not her face, but her loose pants and shirt for nightwear. Not appropriate for gathering glass. She was about to go change when the same voice from before chimed in.

"Lab assistant," it said, "Doctor Ajman would like you to treat to the visitor."

"Visitor?" Ghuraybah repeated. "When did this happen?"

"This was a last minute request. Doctor Ajman was informed two-point minutes ago. This ia another doctor. He would like for you to show her around."

Ghuraybah held in a sigh. Of course, the visitor would have been a woman. It was the only way the doctor would let anyone come by. "Alright," Ghuraybah said, going back to her schedule and adding another change, "will see visitor and give her a tour of the facility."

The voice beeped itself away, and Ghuraybah's voice echoed next. "Window, off," she ordered, and the window went dark to shut out the setting suns.

With her quarters back to its shaded state, Ghuraybah now prepped herself for what was to come: gather samples, give a visitor a tour, and-of course-find a wedding gift.

AN: A little teaser for a possible sci-fi/space opera I'm planning. I've been kind of stuck on it and the best I could come up is this little tidbit on one of the main characters. Hopefully, it draws your attention.


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