FANFICTION IDEA: Picking and Choosing (A SW fanfic idea)

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Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney. I own nothing.


From a distance, a young boy watched the man with interest. To the boy, it had been a look into someone else's life, back when dreams were a distant thought. To him, it was the prelude to the start of a great journey. So simple. So beautiful.

"No. That one won't do," the boy said, turning away from the ring-like door and the scene inside of it.

The boy left a trail of rippling steps on the transparent path before him. Within this strange and ethereal plane of darkness, it had been one of many that curved and arched in every direction imaginable. Those paths led to more ring-like doorways, which echoed with their own words. They were strange. This whole place was strange. The boy gave up on wondering why he didn't fall off when he ran upside-down. He also gave on how to escape this place. Fortunately, he wasn't alone.

"Aw, how nice!" a tiny voice said from the path below. That had been boy's only companion, a little girl far younger than himself. The boy didn't need to look to know the girl was watching a man and woman kissing. "But no, that's no good," the girl said before she skipped on her reclining path.

Ignoring her, the boy passed by one doorway after the other. He regarded them with apathy since none of them were enticing. He had seen two men rescue a princess, hero destroying world destroyers in great victories, and evil triumphing in dooming defeats.

"... but you are not a Jedi yet..."

The boy dragged his dark robes behind him. Part of him wanted to choose that door. But no. No, that was too easy, too predictable.

"... the truths we cling to..." another doorway echoed. Something about it drew the boy, but that same something told him it wasn't it either. He was getting close, though.

"Found anything?!" the little girl asked, now skipping up towards the boy.

"Nothing. You?" the boy called ahead, only to get the same answer.

The disappointed duo came together in the middle. The girl stopped skipping and dragged her oversized white dress behind her. The boy hung his head low, wondering what other options did he and the girl have-


The two children turned at the same time. "Ah, that's it!" the boy exclaimed, pointing at the doorway in front.

Clapping her hands, the little girl agreed. "Yes, yes! He is good! Very, very good! Let's do it!" she said and reached out.

The boy held the girl's hand back. "No! Not yet!"

"But why?"

"Because it's not at the good part!"

The girl turned her puzzled look from the boy to the doorway. In it, two colors intersected one another in constant battle. Green struck, and red gave way, turning into nothing. Green remained frozen, and evil laughter echoed, frightening the girl to the bone.

"Good... good... your hate has made you powerful."

"Can we do it now? Please!" the little girl asked.

The boy didn't respond. He watched like a predator and waited for the right moment to strike. The green light was still there. It would be gone in a second. Just needed to get it right before-

"Now!"the boy cried, and he and the little girl reached into the doorway.

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