FANFICTION IDEA: Shattered Recovery (A preview for KR: A Retelling)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Kamen Rider. It belongs to Toei and Ishinomori Shotaro.


Tobei Tachibana had never known Hongo to be so quiet. When he came to the garage at eighteen, he would rattle on about bikes and machine parts. Even now, he would still mutter about some scientific data or subject helpful to his research.

That was before he went missing.

Since Hongo came back from wherever he had been, he only gave a nod or a shake of his head. Tachibana did ask simple questions to not intrude or startle him. However, the old man noticed a hesitation, a... a fear, for a lack of a better word, from Hongo. Tachibana saw it at the police station and in his home last night. The morning was no exception.

Entering the kitchen, Tachibana gave a small smile for appearance's sake. "So, how are you? Feeling any better?" he asked, and Hongo nodded from across the table. "Well, that's good. Let's get started!"

The minute he sat, Tachibana only touched his sandwich. It was more than Hongo staring at his untouched plate of scrambled eggs. "Hongo," Tachibana said, "is there something wrong with the food?"

Hongo shook his head.

"... Are you just not hungry?" At Hongo's next shake, Tachibana eyed the plate. "Well, it's alright. No need to rush through things. Just take it one day at a time. Here, I can put this in the fridge."

"N-no, I..." Hongo spoke, much to Tachibana's surprise.

Sadly, a ringing phone blared through the walls, cutting off any conversation. "And I was just about to enjoy breakfast," Tachibana grumbled. "Don't worry, I'll get it."

After crossing the hall, Tachibana grabbed the obnoxious device on the wall. "Hello, Tachibana residence," he said with much restraint.

A woman's voice came through. "Hello, Tachibana-san? This is Professor Mami from–"

Relief replaced a bit of Tachibana's annoyance. "Oh, Mami-san! It's been a while!"

"Er, yes. I am wondering if Hongo is at your home. Is he doing alright?"

"Hongo? He's... managing. We were just about to have some breakfast. Everything alright?"

"Well, I've been getting a number of calls regarding his condition... as well as his story."

"You too, huh?" Tachibana said with a frown. He had received more than enough calls that he had to silent his phone for the previous night. "So, what did you tell them?"

"I told them to go to the police for the facts, but many of them don't believe me. They're even crowding around during classes. I don't know if I can keep them away without giving them something... Did Hongo say anything? About what happened?"

"No," Tachibana replied. "If there was anything, I don't think he'll say a word yet. He just needs some time."

"Would it be alright if I see him? I'll try to make sure no reporters are following me."

"That might not be a good idea. You know how they can be, Mami-san. They search for prey like hawks!"

"It's sensei. I am a doctor, you know." Tachibana barely heard a little sigh before Mami said, "Just... let me know when Hongo is available. He has a lot of work to catch up on, anyway, and I have to help him sort through it."

"Will do. I'll let him know, Mami-san."

A crash tore off Tachibana's smile. Already hanging up, he rushed back to the kitchen. "Hongo, what–?"

Hongo stood by a now-broken table and a more broken plate of scrambled eggs. "Oya-san," he had said, "I... I didn't... I don't..."

"It's alright, Hongo!" Tachibana said quickly and began to clean up the mess. "It's just a little mess. Nothing I can't take care of."

A groan barely escaped his lip when he saw his uneaten sandwich splattered over the floor. Still, he held back his growling stomach, if just for a little longer, to move the table's remains aside. The thing looked like it split in twain too easily. "I'm going to have to talk to the retailers," Tachibana said to himself. "I only got this last month. It's not supposed to break–!"

"Oya-san...?" he heard, reminded of who was still standing nearby.

"Sorry about this, Hongo," Tachibana said and glanced at the wall clock. "I have to get to the shop soon. I can grab something to eat on the way, if you want..."

Tachibana let his concern show after the younger man nodded and shuffled out of the kitchen. It would take longer than he hoped to ease Hongo out of... well, whatever happened at the mountains. Still, Tachibana had an idea. Only an idea. It would be up to Hongo if said idea turned out to be alright.

For now, Tachibana put it aside to focus on cleaning the mess and not arrive late at his own garage shop.


AN: And here it is. A preview for my fanfic, "Kamen Rider: A Retelling." Haven't really touched it in a while but hopefully I can get something going again. Whether or not it will actually happen, we'll see. Until then, take care and thanks.


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