FANFICTION IDEA: The Secret Weapon (Prologue 2 for SWTOR AU)

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Disclaimer: Don't own SW or SWTOR. They belong to Disney, Lucasfilm, and Bioware, not me.


Soft whirls and bleeps of ancient machinery echoed throughout the chamber. A dim lighting spread out and fell onto the zigzagging walkways and planks. One of them stretched across to the center, where a line of computers circled around a vat.

There, a woman leaned against a console and waited as she had been for the past several standard minutes. Unlike her Iridonian compatriot, who spent his time at a terminal, she had little to do.

She pushed a lock of her long red hair off the shoulder of her Jedi robe. "How much longer is he going to take?"

"Not long," the Iridonian answered in a soft and calm tone.

"Well, let's hope so. All this waiting won't do us good if he won't show up."

At that, the Iridonian spared a small smile. "Whatever happened to patience, Master Sunrider?"

She snorted. "Being the new grandmaster doesn't mean I have to act like it all the time. Besides, Revan wanted us here for something."

Not a moment later, the entrance slid open with a loud clank and thud. Both Jedi turned to see a familiar cloaked figure walking towards them. The long cape dragging behind as his footsteps echoed loudly on the grated floor.

The Jedi were met with the Mandalorian mask. "Bao-Dur, Vima," Revan nodded to the Iridonian and human respectively.

"General," Bao-Dur regarded his former commanding officer.

Vima got off the console. "Revan," she greeted with a nod.

"I had some things to take care of first,"

"Bastila giving you a hard time?" Vima teased with a light grin.

"Not as hard as you think." They knew Revan was smiling beneath his mask, if only slightly.

The light attitude dropped when Revan stared past the two and at the large vat. "How is she doing?"

Bao-Dur turned back to his terminal and checked the readings. "She's fine, for now. I've been monitoring her life signs as often as I can. T3 has been a great help with that."

"But you're not here for her," Vima cut in, her eyes staring at her fellow Jedi before her. "Something's happened, hasn't it?"

"Astute as ever," Revan said with a monotone that brought concern. "I've received word from Mandalore. A few of his scouts have reported a small fleet of ships gathering around Rishi."

Alarm rang in Bao-Dur and Vima. They did not show it, but Bao-Dur glanced over and inquired, "Do you think it's them?"

"It is them, alright, and they're after me." Revan paused before he said, "I have to face them. I've already talked with Juhani and few others. They've agreed to come with me."

"Take me with you," Bao Dur said.

"Me too," Vima agreed. "You'll need all the help you can get."

Revan held out a hand. "No. I have more than enough to fight them. I need you both to stay here. You, Bao-Dur, will wait and watch over her."


"That's an order," Revan cut Bao-Dur off and turned to Vima. "And the Jedi Order will need you, Vima. It hasn't fully recovered from the Sith Triumvirate... Besides, I don't think our friend here wouldn't like to know if her former master was killed." To that, Revan gestured to the vat.

Vima crossed her arms and frowned. "Then, what do you expect us to do? Just sit and wait for the enemy to come to us?"


Vima was taken aback by the straight answer, allowing Revan to continue. "Sometime in the future, the enemy will return to Known Space. I don't know how long it will be. Decades, maybe centuries–whenever it is, the Sith will return and the Jedi must be ready."

After several moments, Vima conceded. "Alright, I'll stay, but it'll be difficult. You know everyone will want to know where you've ran off to. What should I tell them?"

"Tell them I'm chasing after a few visions."

"And Bastila?"

Revan stopped. "Tell her to not wait for me," he said softly before slowly walking away...


As the image faded into the holocron, Satele leaned in her seat and sighed. She stared at the holocron on her desk intently, wonder what she had seen for the past two hours.

Satele sat and watched scenes of past Jedi talking and planning for the future. It was a wonder to watch, and learning more of her famous ancestor would have been fascinating if not for the vat. The same one retrieved from Nar Shadda with the recordings.

A living being, a Jedi, trapped inside a vat of kolto to preserve her body and mind. Satele would have considered it unfathomable if she was a Padawan, but she wasn't. She was a grandmaster of the Jedi Order, and she had to find a way to release the Jedi from her sleep.

Sadly, Satele was not learning fast enough. With the renewed war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, she had little time to study the recordings and formulate battle plans. If only there was a way to open the vat, then maybe...

Footsteps brought Satele to the entrance. She saw a familiar woman entering her bed chamber. "Ah, Master Yuon! I didn't see you," she said to the woman.

"Master Shan." Yuon, Lyrana Marr's former mentor, gave a small bow. Noticing the holocron, she inquired, "Have you learned anything?"

"A little, but I'm afraid it's not enough. There's little I can find out the Jedi in the tank." Satele glanced back. "We still don't know who she is?"

"Lord Scourge still hasn't given any information. He continues to say that his input would not help anything."

Satele withheld another sigh. While she appreciated the help from Windu's Sith ally, his unwilling attitude was information. "How is the Jedi doing?" Sateke asked, hoping to change the subject.

"She seems to be stabilized for now, but there is something else you must know." The lines under Yuon's eyes creased with worry. "Master Kaeden has reported from Ilum. He says the Sith fleet has arrived... Malgus is with them."

Satele was silent for a few moments. "Very well, I'll talk with Master Kaeden," she finally said. "Be sure to let me know if anything happens."

After Yuon left, Satele sat there in silence. The Jedi Grandmaster contemplated on the news.

Ilum. The Sith were certainly getting bolder, if they were gathering at one of the Jedi's most sacred places. The same could have been said of the Republic with reports of more forces on worlds like Balmorra. It wouldn't be long before the war got out of hand. Satele hoped to stop the war before that happened.

Silently, Satele rose and left her chambers. Her research would have to wait.


AN: This was the second prologue in my rewrite of SWTOR (see previous part to get the full story). It's not much, but I thought to post it anyway. Until next time, take care.


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