ORIGINAL IDEA: Sekai Knight Chronicles-Down the Line

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The giant shadow of world ring stretched from one horizon to the other, cutting Nunkas and surrounding forests in half. Light of the midday sun shone on the other half and revealed the black-clad men in the small town's main street. Armed and dangerous, they glared at the equally ferocious gang in white, who popped in the shady side of the street.

"Well, isn't this a nice setup?" commented the young man watching from the sidelines.

A breeze blew his cloak aside, and he glanced down at the little girl by his feet. She might have been no more than six or seven. The splotches of dirt didn't hide her dull gaze, like she was used to seeing fights like these. Not to mention the fact that she was the only other person outside when everyone else hid behind houses, the windows and entrances boarded up by large squares.

The emotionless look on a girl so young was enough for the stranger to sigh and tug on a lowered golden bang. "I guess you've seen this a lot, huh?" he asked, but the girl kept staring forward, ignorant of what the man beside her had said.

The girl took notice when the man gently tapped her shoulder. "Hey, do you want a better view?" he smiled under his hood, extending his hand. "I think I know a good spot."

The girl's blank stare went to the gray glove then the stranger then back at the glove. Slowly, she placed her hand in it.

And the stranger quickly tugged her onto the open street, where the two sides began to rush at each other with chipped blades and broken sticks. "Excuse us!" he called to the gangs.

Men and women in black and white screeched their charges, kicking up sand while shouting "Woah," "What the-," "Who in the-," and so on. With ten paces between either gang, it gave enough room for the stranger to walk along the shadowy divide, a shoulder facing either gang. "Pardon. Sorry. Don't worry, you'll get back to fighting soon," he said, dragging the little girl behind him.

Angry glares went blank at the figure intruding on their "battleground," and a few barely caught the silver glint under the guy's cloak. Members of the black and white-clad gangs looked at each others, muttering as low as they, which was still loud enough for the stranger to hear.

"Who the heck is this guy?"

"Dunno. I think I've seen 'im somewhere before."

"Why is taking her?"

"Who cares!? Now, we gotta go back and start over 'gain!"

"Better than bein' close to you."

"Bite me!"

The stranger smirked to himself, seeing the two gangs return to their original spots. It would only take a little more time until it all unfold... but that didn't mean he could have fun watching it.

Looking ahead, the stranger found himself on the other end of the street. There, a tall tower made of four beams and wooden planks. It was old, but sturdy enough, which the stranger proved by putting his boot on the tower's ladder. "Hmm," he said then looked to the girl. "Alright, now why don't you get on my back, and I'll-hey!"

The tiny girl had cut the stranger off, skirting under and out his cloak for the ladder. "... huh," said stranger remarked, while the girl climbed up the ladder.

Soon, the planks squeaked loudly under the stranger's weight. The ladder made so much noise that the stranger wondered how it didn't bother the girl above him. The entire skeletal frame shook a little from the girl sitting atop it. She had no trouble, no doubt since she most likely climbed up the tower before. It was the stranger's first time.

It showed as the flat top wobbled under his weight, a pair of boots dangling the edge and a grin under his hood. "Well, this is a much better, isn't it?" the stranger asked the girl.

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