FANFICTION IDEA: The Woman from the Stars (A Multi-Crossover Idea)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or any other properties within this story. Thank you.


Dum, dum, dum-dum. Dum, dum, dum-dum. Dum, dum, dum-dum.

A metallic drumming echoed as fingers tapped impatiently on the table. The fingers were placed inside of a metal gauntlet that was inscribed with ancient markings from the dark past of a powerful civilization. Its owner wore the face of a man, but he was far more ancient than any human.

Ancient blue eyes stared across the table and towards three other human-like beings wearing majestic red robes, just like the ancient being himself. They were older than any human, but far younger than the one sitting at the table's head. The ancient being sat silently while the others chattered among themselves.

One said being, a male with a golden cap on his head, talked with his female compatriot, "Are you sure about this?"

The female presented him a high-tech pad with calculations. "There's no doubt about it," she answered. "The stars here have different astronomical positions. You can see for yourself."

After inspecting the calculations, the same being sighed as he placed the pad on the table and laid back in his seat. "So it is true. We are no longer in our own universe."

Another male who sat across from the two spoke up. "How is that even possible? We should have been destroyed in the blast!"

"But we're here, instead," said the female. "It is a great mystery. None of us could have seen it coming."

The first male turned to her. "Mystery or not, we're in another universe with no way back. We're trapped."

"Trapped, you say?"

All eyes fell on the ancient one, who finally broke his vow of silence. His fingers were still and silent, but his voice boomed with great ambition and power. When the ancient being spoke, he carried a great weight and no one dared to interrupt him.

"Don't be so quick to assess our situation, Castellan," the ancient spoke to staring at the first male.

The first male, the Castellan, only stared back. "What do you mean, Lord President?"

With his uncovered hand, the 'Lord President' grabbed the large staff on his seat. It clanged against the floor as he stood and spoke with the words of knowledge and power that made the others respect and fear him.

"We have been driven from our own universe, yes, but this is a new opportunity for us," he began. "There are dozens of worlds out there, new timelines for us to explore! This is the chance we have been wanting for so long. This is the chance we can use to rebuild the former glory of our race!"

"But we no longer have our ability of time travel," the Castellan objected. "We can't be the guardians of time if we cannot master it."

The woman interjected, "Actually, we still have the technology necessary for us to do so. We will need to consult our engineers first."

"Excellent," the Lord President smiled, turning to the other man. "Coordinator, have your agents in the Celestial Intervention Agency on standby. I want them to explore the nearest star system for us to establish our new base of operations."

The Coordinator nodded. "Yes, Lord Rassilon."

Rassilon turned his attention to the other two. "You are dismissed. We have much work to do."

All three rose from their seats and bowed before taking their leave. Rassilon found himself in the chamber with only his guards standing in the far back of the chamber. The smile on his face turned into a grin as the ambition in his voice rose.

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