FANFICTION IDEA: Dreams within Reach (a SW Legends idea)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars. It belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney. Any SW EU content belong to their respective owners/authors/creators too.


Far away and in the open plains, a boy sat on a tree and watched the stars. Night had arrived quickly on Dantooine this time, foreshadowing the first of a new season to come. Anyone inside its only city could never tell from the light pollution and tall buildings, so the boy took to outside. With all those distractions behind, the boy could watch in comfort.

However, he didn't feel comfortable. Looking at the stars had been uncomfortable, seeing most twinkle like shining beacons while a few shot across the sky. For many nights, the boy thought his dreams were like the former. Tonight, they had been the latter, burning up in the atmosphere.

The boy was so busy he hadn't noticed another presence like he usually would. He noticed when the presence popped her head right under him.


"Woah!" the boy cried, rocking off his branch until his back went thud on the grass. It had been a short and ungraceful fall. "... ow."

The disturbance rushed over and knelt by the boy's side. In her concern, she hadn't noticed the weeds dirtying her white dress. "Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you would..."

"It's fine... it's fine," the boy groaned, not feeling fine. "... Nice seeing you 'gain."

Scooting back, the girl gave the boy a moment before she spoke again. "I didn't see you at your house. Did you get into another fight with your parents?"

"... Maybe," the boy said after sitting up. Wanting to change the subject, he asked, "How was your trip this time? Did you see anything interesting?"

The girl flicked a long dark strand behind her ear. "I did. And I got you something." With a smile, she drew out a box from her satchel. "Here. Take it!"

"Uh, thanks..." The boy slowly accepted the gift, wondering what was inside. He opened the lid, and his eyes widened at the answer. "This... this is..." he said.

"Yep. I had to haggle with that merchant on Iridonia for it. It's not much, but I think it might help," the girl said, almost shyly. "After all, it'll help with your dream."

The words dragged the boy back to his reality, and he closed the lid on the box. "Yeah, 'bout that... I've been thinking for sometime..."

The girl's smile flipped. "Are you giving up?" she asked seriously.

"Well, I suppose you could say-ow!"

A hand hit the boy's shoulder, and he stared at the girl who threw it. She glared back, and her voice seethed. "Ten years... For ten years, you went on about your dream. You never shut up about it... I've been gone for two weeks and now you're giving up?!" the girl said and hit the boy's shoulder again.

"Ow! Stop that!"

"Tell me why, and I might!"

The boy sagged his shoulders. Mentally tired from the day's events already, he sat there in silence. Any thoughts dragged themselves through the mud in his mind and got stuck in it before reaching his mouth. Even then, he felt the rising concern from his compatriot, however abrasive she might have shown it.

"Well...?" the girl pressed, but the boy stayed silent. The fire in her face dimmed, and she went on, "This isn't like you... You've always asked me about my travels. You wanted to learn more. And there's a whole galaxy out there."

The boy sighed. "Yeah, I know... it's just... My parents. I keep telling them. For years, I keep trying, and they're not getting it, so maybe... maybe... they might be right, y'know. It's not like what I want is popular or anything."

"That hasn't stopped you before."

"I've been wrong before."

Now, the girl sighed. "Yes, you have been, but are you wrong this time?" The boy fell back on his quiet vow, so she continued, "Don't you remember why you wanted to be a-"

"I do, I do, you don't have to remind me," the boy quickly said, though only he knew the real reason.

Sitting before him, the girl kept going. "Then, don't just give up on it. At least give it some time to think... And if your parents don't want you to follow your dream, you can just keep bugging them until they let you go. That's what I did."

The boy snorted. "Right, like it's that simple. Like I can just try to convince my mom and dad to let me go!"

"Remember: do or do not. There is no try."

Hearing the words he often quoted himself, the boy almost laughed. "Now, you sound like a Jedi. Are you sure you aren't Force-sensitive?"

"You tell me," the girl said playfully. The boy laughed softly, and her smile returned. "Feel better, now?"

"A bit," the boy admitted. "Thanks."

The night air breezed past over the two. It was crisp and cool, scented by crushed leaves and grass blades. Wanting to enjoy the moment, the boy said nothing until a question crawled out of his throat. "So, when are you going on your next trip?"

"Haven't thought about it. I think I'll stay for a little longer." Saying that, the girl stood up to dust some grass off her dress. "Speaking of which, I gotta go. I haven't been home yet, so everyone might wondering where I've been."

The girl turned to leave, only to stop. "Take good care of that, okay?" She told the boy, gesturing the box in his hands. I wouldn't want my credits to go to waste."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful," the boy said, holding up the box. Thanks for the gift."

"And you're very welcome. G'night!" the girl said, throwing a wave over her shoulder.


The quiet word followed the girl as she left for the city in the distance. After she disappeared behind the hill, the boy turned away. His hands gripping the box and his spirits uplifted by the tiniest of help, he raised his eyes to find his dreams clear in the sky and within his reach.


AN: Just when I thought I was done coming up with new ideas, this pops into my head.

Anyway, this is just a tiny prologue that I wrote for a possible story idea set in the far future of my SW universe. I'll see what I can do with it, but I have no idea if I'll actually publish it. Until then, take care.


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