FANFICTION IDEA: The Vision (SW Sequel Rewrite)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars. It belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney. Any SW EU content belong to their respective owners/authors/creators too.


The little girl ran as fast as she could. She was such a peculiar thing, trying to use what little strength she had. It would not be enough. It would never be enough against what followed.

Darth Vader, enforcer of Emperor Palpatine, approached with his lightsaber in hand. His boots echoed with every mechanized breath, drowning the girl's pants as she tried to get away. No matter how far she ran, she was within sight and near the bloody glow of the Dark Lord's weapon.

"End her," the weapon whispered and screamed at the same time. "End her and be free."

Vader listened and changed his short steps into long strides. The closer he got to his target, his saber's glow extended closer to her as well. It wasn't long until the glow at last touched the little girl.

While she looked back, she failed to stop her feet from tripping over. She tripped herself and fell forwards. A tiny "oomph!" escaped her lips, as the red glow completely covered her. In its embrace, the girl turned around to stare at the figure of Vader looming over her.

However, it was not Vader. It was Rey. Not Rey the Jedi, but Rey the apprentice of Xa-re Ren and agent of the First Order. Her cape fluttered behind to unveil her black garb, and her eyes burned the same color as the lightsaber she held.

A lightsaber pointed at the girl.

"Strike her down, and be done with this," the weapon called again.

Rey stared, pondering on how to end this pathetic lifeform. It wouldn't be difficult. A tiny stab to the heart would do. Or she could cut off the head. There were so many ways to end a life. So many choices.

Something in Rey screamed against all of them. It howled over the weapon, begging her to stop. In response, the lightsaber screamed, "She has dragged you down! Kept you from your true power! Kill her!"

The thing inside Rey begged again. Hearing it, she hesitated. Her eyes trailed down the saber and...

Rey almost gasped. She saw the little girl. Truly saw her. This wasn't an obstacle. This wasn't something haunting her. The girl was her. Her past. The thing Rey had lost and searched for so long.

And the girl was scared of Rey.

The weapon screamed again, "Kill and be free!"

But Rey did not. She couldn't. She...


Rey's grasp shook. Her vision blurred for a moment. No, she...


"N-no!" Rey yelled, pushing the button on the saber.

The blade vanished, leaving nothing but shadows. Rey didn't care. She fell to her arms and knees, feeling weak, and in her weakness, she cried.

She cried and cried and cried. Horrified and painful sounds mixed with one another, but they went unnoticed by the wailing Rey. She bent over, almost prostrating her head to the ground in her sorrow until a tiny hand fell on her.

Rey looked up, her cheeks wet with tears. Even in the darkness, her blue eyes barely made out the form of her younger self, the lost little girl, kneeling in front. Despite almost dying, she had comforted Rey.

Guilt and frustration swelled up Rey's throat. "I'm sorry," she hiccupped and sniffled between her sobs. "But I can't... I can't be you anymore... I just can't..."

The little girl smiled. "It's okay. I understand."

Rey hadn't noticed her tears had stopped. Confusion lingered in her voice. "But I don't know what to do... There is so much I want to ask, but I don't..."

"Just be who you can be. And remember, I'm always here if you need me."

Again, Rey looked at the little girl. Seeing those sweet eyes and that peaceful expression on her younger self, hearing those words were... calming. Uplifting even. Like a great weight had been removed from her shoulders.

The girl turned to the side for a moment. "I have to go now," she said, standing up. "My dad's calling me. Can you take care of yourself?"

"I'll try-" Rey began but stopped herself. Taking in a deep breath, she answered, "... I'll... I'll do what I can."

Smiling, the girl left on her tiny legs. She ran towards the familiar figure of Luke Skywalker waiting behind a door of white light. Under his grey hood, Luke smiled proudly to Rey before holding out his flesh hand to the little girl.

Taking her dad's hand, the girl waved her other arm. "Bye, Rey!" she called before entered the door with Luke.

The light spread out, consuming the two and illuminating the darkness. As it did, Rey slowly raised her hand to wave back, almost unaware of what left her lips.

"Goodbye, Nelleth..."

The words echoed as Rey awoke. Her eyes drifted open to the wooden floor she lied upon. After looking around, she realized she was in the tree again. This was Ahch-To, not in the dark cave of her dreams.

That wasn't all. As Rey slowly propped herself up, she noticed a faint glow from her right fist. Curious, she held the light close to her, almost cradling it.

Slowly opening her fist, Rey basked in the glow of her new crystal.


AN: Not much, but this was intended to be in my rewritten episode 9 (that is, when I was attempting to write my own rewrite of the sequel trilogy back in 2017-early 2019). This would more or less be the crux of Rey's character arc, as she would regain her connection to the Force (after losing it in episode 8) in time to face against the main villain. I have given it up but I hope you like it nonetheless. Thanks and take care.


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