FANFICTION IDEA: Forever Fall (based on a RWBY fan animation)

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Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY. It belongs to the now-debunked RoosterTeeth (I think, I don't know what happened now since the company no longer exists) and the late Monty Oum. The following is based on Cake Station's RWBY fan animation, titled "RWBY V6 Fight Remade! | RWBY Fan Animation "Forever Fall.""


Adam pushed aside the deja vu, and the surrounding red leaves, with his long legs. The more he ran, the more his hand gripped tightly by his waist side. The long thin body of Wilt and Blush, his respective sword and sheath, couldn't cut away the scent from his nose. Normal humans wouldn't have noticed it, let alone followed it through the Forever Fall forest.

However, Adam wasn't human, despite most of his looks. He had grown up learning the hard way. He had spent his life struggling–fighting against such things. He and the others. He and...

Adam's steps faltered for a second. Only a second. His pale mask jostled against the tiny horns on his temple before firmly settling back on his nose. He pushed aside his burning eye, his breaths steady as ever. Out of everywhere in the Kingdom of Vale–no, on the face of Remnant, it had to be this place. Even the sky had the same pinkish tint, made more obvious as the trees grew fewer. It was a memory ingrained in his mind, the forest and the words he spoke that day.

"I'll set the charges," Adam had said.

"What about the crew members?" he had been asked.

"What about them?"

Adam kept on running through the forest and the red in his eye. The whistle of a train echoed from many miles away, filling him with regrets. It happened on a train that day. It was supposed to have been another mission. His grip tightened around Blush but not too tight to trigger its built-in rifle. He shouldn't have been so careless, so dismissive. He should have seen it...

"Buy me some time!" he called out over the train tracks and the mechanized enemy in front.

"Are you sure?"

"Do it!"

How many years had they fought together? How many years had he taught her? How could he have not seen it until...?

"... Goodbye," she said before cutting away the train car's coupling...

Then, she rode away, fading into the distance... and leaving him behind.

Adam frowned, pushing the memory away. No, it was far from goodbye. He had seen and chased her from those so-called human friends. He had tracked her to this place. And now...

"Blake!" Adam called out after leaving the grass for the dirt.

The name echoed across every rock and tree on the little cliff. Blake stood by its edge, staring off at the mountains beyond. Her back faced him, as it did that day, but Adam knew she wasn't afraid. Far from it. Her bare arms hung to the sides of her thin body, relaxed. She hadn't reached for the weapon on her back, the weapon Adam helped her build. The long black ribbon around the hilt fluttered in the wind, not unlike her black bow or raven hair.

Adam gripped his own weapon. His free hand cut through the air as he said, "You think you can run from me? From the cause?" Adam turned down his voice but his words still rang. "From yourself?"

His former student turned her head. Blake's amber eyes remained steady as the rest of her faced him, exposing her white top to him. "I'm not running," she said, her cat-like pupils sharp like the blade of Gambol Shroud she unsheathed.

Adam sighed. "I didn't have the courage to do this back then," he said, his hand on Wilt's handle. The crimson katana blade sang against the Blush's long body as he fully drew it out. "You inspire me, Blake."

So, Adam met Blake's charge. Even with his burning eye and Gambol Shroud flying at him, he kept his gaze on her. Adam tilted to the left and let Blake's weapon, its collapsible blade folded on the hilt, fly past him. She was not far, twirling her body and yanking on the long ribbon–

A tug of Gambol Shroud, swinging around, struck Adam in the back and yanked him off his feet. He took it, letting the attack build up his own Aura as Blake spun over him. The minute he passed her, Adam spun himself mid-air and faced Blake. Her shock grew when he not only severed Gambol Shroud's ribbon but also returned her attack's energy.

The built-up Aura, red around a spinning white core, flung Blake back with scattered rocks. She had gotten back on her feet by the time Adam landed and charged over the crater of his making. Her defense was expected, and she still had Gambol Shroud's sheath, wide and edged to act as a cleaver as she struck one then twice.

It barely stood against Wilt and Blush. It cocked back after he brought it around and fired over Blake's head. Even separated, both held firm against a slice of Aura rising with Blake–a move he had taught her. Bringing them together, Adam drew his blade once and twice in white flashes too quick for the naked eye.

Blake's sheath blocked them before attacking. Adam suspected it. In fact, he drew out Wilt and guarded himself again and again. He spun with Blake in their dance, one practiced many times over many sessions in the past. As he did then, Adam parried with Wilt and slammed Blush into Blake...

... or rather a clone made from Blake's Aura, which disappeared in milliseconds. Adam, his slash missing the flipping Blake, waited for a real opening. One, two steps back, he had it, Blush blocking Blake's leg and his sword hand slamming into her face. She reared for a second, but it was all Adam needed, giving one more slash to build up his Aura. At another, he focused. Much like Blake, his own clones–dark and faceless–appeared in a flurry.

The first strike came from him, going upward.

The next came from the clone in front, swinging down.

The third came from the next clone, batting Blake back.

Focusing again, Adam moved his clones forward before he himself took the same step. In reverse, the same slash struck Blake in rapid succession–


–giving her pause–


–then sweeping her off her feet–


–and sending her flying back.

By the time Adam's clones had vanished, Blake had rolled and laid on the ground several feet away. He sheathed Wilt into Blush and eyed Gambol Shroud's sheath now lying far from its owner. Blake was helpless against him now. But it wasn't over yet.

He realized how right he was when golden blond hair appeared in the corner of his eye. 

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