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Disclaimer: RWBY belongs to Monty Oum and RoosterTeeth. Not me.


Among the many possible futures Orion had seen, being flung off a cliff was not one of them. That future sent him soaring over an unending landscape of trees. Fortunately, his mom's purple scarf protected him from wind and bugs.

Wearing his dad's red-rimmed goggles, Orion eyed the other teenagers with him. They had traveled from across their little planet of Remnant to Beacon Academy for two things only: become Huntsmen to fight monsters and uphold the peace (those were technically, three–things, but the point still stands). Among them, three would be part of his team for the rest of his time at the Academy. Of the three, one would become his partner after making eye contact with them.

Or so Headmaster Ozpin said before launching them all off the cliff.

Orion bounced off a branch and aimed his rifle, Saiph, behind him. The three clear circles atop the short black barrel lit up from three Dust-covered bullets, each propelling him along the treetops. While doing so, he blinked to let his bluish-green Aura glow from his brown eyes, activating his Semblance. As each Semblance was unique for an individual's ability, Orion's own followed his eyes to his fellow initiates.

Of those he could see, each had a line. Those lines lead to several doors. Possible futures. The question was, where did each door lead to?

One line sped off, taken by a blonde whose whoop was a loud as her shotgun gauntlets–

the bear-like Ursa appeared from a bush, swinging their wild claws at her

No. She was just a magnet for trouble. The kind that would grow too quickly for Orion to handle. Thankfully, said trouble magnet literally shot into the forest below.

Another line glided past Orion, who spotted a familiar guy in green. From what Orion could tell, there was a clearing ahead, so maybe–

two snake-like King Taijitu slithered around, followed by a red-headed girl with a manic grin and a large hammer

Nope. There was no way Orion would deal with her again.

Still, doors one and two were no good. Maybe door number three would–


Orion's scarf muffled his "urk," "oof" and "ow" as he fell like a comet through branches and twigs alongside the red girl who collided into him. Through the tumbling blur of green and brown, a large tree trunk grew closer with every second. Orion fumbled for Saiph, pressing and holding the trigger. The girl also aimed, and a single gray shot joined several orange ones into one–


Orion leaned back through flying splinters and red petals. Crouching onto the tree's falling top, he threw himself forward, right after the red cape fluttering past him. At least, he thought so before tumbling through red petals. He rolled onto the grass, right by the tree that crashed on the ground.

"Ugh..." Sitting up, Orion wiped the dirt on his padded dark green jacket and black pants. "Mom and dad will have a field day with this."

His looks were the least of his concerns when the girl literally stopped short of his face. "OHMYGOSHI'MSOSORRY!" she said, silver eyes wide–

tears running down, her silver eyes glowed to unleash a power upon the large black dragon overtaking the tower–

Cursing his Semblance, Orion lifted the goggles and pulled down his scarf. "Uh, sorry. Didn't catch that."

The girl stepped back, showcasing black dress, red cloak, and the red rifle in her hand. She looked and acted a few years younger than the typical initiate, given how she sheepishly scratched her dark red hair. "I, uh, said I was sorry... about crashing into you. I was trying to avoid this bird when I, well, didn't see where I was going, and–"

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