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"Check if there's a miscalculation. I don't want anything to happen with the experiment, my boy!" Dr. Raymond, my professor, exclaimed with his English accent as he prepared the equipment for the experiment.

I said, annoyed, "But professor, I checked every calculation that we're using! Every single bit-there's nothing wrong!"

Hi. My name is Arthur Calbersn. I'm an American college graduate who's been working with Dr. Raymond for the past two years on this experiment of his. For 14 years, he's been trying to find a way for space travel for many years and had been rejected by other scientists by his 'crazy' ideas. In secret, he's been working on a living creature that can be used for space travel. It's impossible! A living organic cannot go through space without wearing a spacesuit! Even though I thought it was insane at the time, it fascinated me. However, I never knew at the time what his true motives were.

"Well, check again!" he barked.

I sighed in defeat. "Yes professor."

I checked the calculations again for the twentieth time. As soon as I finished, I went over to my professor and said, "There's nothing wrong with the calculations as I said before."

"Good!" He patted me on my back. "You have done very well, Arthur. I have been waiting this day for many years."

He then went over to the big red lever before turning to me. "I want you to go to that button and press it on the count of five before switching the three red switches."

I nodded before going over the other controls. As soon as I placed my hand on the big red button on the other set of controls, I nodded my head at the professor. He then started as he placed his hands on the lever saying, "Right, one, two, three, four-NOW!"

The professor pulled the lever all the way down as I pressed the and switched the switches like he had instructed me. Electricity ran through the wires down to the creature under the blanket that was lying on the lab table. We both watched in astonishment of the creature under the blanket began to shake. We heard its cry of pain and anguish as electricity crackled over its body. Then, all of a sudden the creature stopped shaking and slumped back onto the bed like a puppet.

Immediately, I saw the professor ran over to the unconscious, or dead, creature under the blanket. I saw him taking out is green clawed hand from under the blanket and checking for a pulse. I waited for about a moment for the professor had cried out, "A pulse!"

The professor looked at me laughing with joy. I couldn't help but smile. The professor and I had done something that no had ever done since Frankenstein. After the moment subsided, I asked, "Professor, can I see the creature? You never showed me during our years of work."

The professor smiled. "Of course you can."

After he removed the blanket, my mouth dropped open. The unconscious creature was completely green and had spikes sticking out of its arms, legs, and head. It had dark yellow eyes with a mask of some kind over its mouth. The arms and legs were strapped to the table by tight black rope strap. "This is incredible!" I exclaimed.

Then, all of a sudden the creature's eyes glowed a bright yellow color. I staggered back. "Don't worry," he assured, "It can be controlled by me and only me."

Then, I heard the creature say only one word in a menacing voice, "Destroy."

When I looked at the professor, he seemed a bit nervous. I could see sweat running down his head and palms. "Why don't you get us a bottle of champagne? He asked as he walked over to me leading me to the exit. "We need to celebrate this glorious moment!"

I nervously smiled as I walked through the exit. "Right, professor."

I looked at the creature before the professor had closed the door in my face.

As the professor was still in the lab, I was in his room looking for his journal. I had a suspicious feeling the professor wasn't who he claimed to be. I found his hidden journal under his bed. "There you are," I whispered as I slid it from under the bed.

I looked at it to see it was his journal. I open to the book marked page and began to read it. It said:

It's almost complete. My creature will be able to help to have my revenge! The creature has no conscious. It can only be controlled by using the controller in my desk drawer. The device has the power to drive the creature insane. If anyone was to find this journal, then my plans for world domination will be ruined.

The latest entry had ended there with the designs of the controller on the next page. To me, it looked like a remote control for TV. I noticed that the code for the creature's deactivation was "675." There was another code, 23-5-2718, but it was not labeled. I opened the drawer and found the controller in there. I read more of the designs and instructions for the controller before the professor had called me. "Arthur, where are you?"

I immediately took the controller out and put it in my pocket and found a champagne bottle in his refrigerator. "I'm coming," I called out.

When I entered the lab, I dropped the bottle. The professor was dead! It looked like his neck was snapped. I found the creature standing over his dead body. Knowing what to do, I took out the controller as the creature lunged at me. I rolled to the side and quickly pressed the 6-7-5 sequence into the controller, pointing it at the creature. The monster grabbed my neck and lifted me off the ground. As I tried to breathe, I pressed the enter button and the creature froze and released its grip on my neck, dropping me onto the ground.

It fell onto its back; I was laying on the ground, gasping for air. I was able to stand up and look over the body of the creature. It was still alive. The horrible monster got back up, ready to attack me again.

There was only one final way to stop the creature. In desperation, I keyed in the unknown code, 23-5-2718. Nothing happened. We stood there for a second, waiting for something to happen. Nothing happened. As the malevolent charged towards me, it spontaneously combusted.

I watched the evil work, that I had helped to create, destroyed. The combustion started a conflagration, burning down the whole mansion. As the flames engulfed the house, I narrowly escaped. I left the mansion, my home for the last two years, cold and hungry, wandering aimlessly.


AN: Boy, does this take me back. This was a little project I wrote back in eighth grade (about 15 years ago, sheesh!). It definitely shows how much I lacked, but I still look on it fondly. Until next time, take care.


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