FANFIC IDEA: A Lull of Suspicion (for my Bionicle G2 fanfic)

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Disclaimer: Bionicle G2 belongs to LEGO.


It had been one problem after another for Voriki since arriving on Okoto. They seemed to grow with every step on the Water Region's sands, matching the many ships. Voriki focused on them rather than the tips of Kivoda City peeking over the cliffs far behind him. He couldn't afford to see them, not until he rescued Torren's sons and the others.

"Voriki?" he heard Zala and relaxed his grip around his spear.

Voriki had to stall for Zala, her steps slow and hesitant. He didn't blame her for it or for reminding him of the Jungle Region. Of Kaze.

The nearby waves wouldn't wash Voriki's conflicting thoughts on the Toa of Air. Those red eyes always glared back, ready to fight. Yet Kaze proved otherwise, working with Voriki and the others more than twice. It was all... vexing.

"Voriki, watch–!"

Something equally vexing fell on Voriki's raised spear. Its spindly legs became motionless after a second. "Well, looks like we're on the right track," Voriki said, shaking off the dead Skull Spider that lunged at him. "Stay close. Who knows if there are more."

The further Voriki and Zala ran, the more obvious were the Skull Spiders. Their blue bodies crawled over the wrecked gray and rusted ships. Voriki swatted a few aside before he skidded to a stop. "Don't!" he yelled at Zala before she could join him. "I'll handle this. Just find the trail!"

Zala had left when his spear crackled again. Every bolt sizzled the air, drowning the screeches of any lunging Spiders. A few flew back into the surrounding wreckage from one sweep. A few more writhed on the ground at another. Another few fell limp on his spear at the third. Many more clicked atop sand and metal, yet only some heading toward Voriki himself.

Hand outstretched, lightning and thunder rocketed Voriki between and over broken ships. "Hrgh!" left him as his feet cut in front of the rest of the swarm. Twirling his spear while doing so knocked aside both sand and shocked Spiders.

As more flew, Voriki's glare fell upon the many others, his spear blocking most off. He could just blast them away like last time if he could just...

"Ah!" came from behind. Zala!

Spear and hand in front, Voriki left a tiny charred pile on two trails of lightning. His feet dug into the sand, stopping himself short of two swinging scythes. While they sliced up a Spider in the corner of his eye, he spun away and jabbed his spear against a toppled boat. Safe and finally stopped, Voriki caught one more Spider in his still-electrifying hand. "Tough thing, aren't you?" he grumbled while it burned. He glanced to the side. "Find anything?"

Zala's purple eyes and limbs glowed, her dark form kneeling in the shadow of another wrecked ship. Voriki swore she shook, from submerging her hand into said shadow or the Spiders she killed. "Almost," she said. "I think... yes, I got it!"

Seeing the more immediate and swarming concern, Voriki tossed his now charred Spider. Replacing it with Zala's shoulder, he shouted, "Jump!"

It wasn't hard to do so, given Zala's weight and her feet also bouncing off the ship. Before leaping with her, Voriki channeled and threw his spear into the ground. Tossing Zala with the same momentum, he followed her over a web of lightning. Spiders and sand sizzled in it while each crackling line strung itself to any nearby wreck.

"Gah!" Voriki grunted, hitting the front bow of a torn ship. His own lightning, charging through the vessel, pulsed back into his body. A weaker pulse, but he felt its heat and the heat left by his attack, now dissipating and gone.

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