FANFICTION IDEA: The Special Cube (A SW/SM crossover)

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Disclaimer: Disney own Star Wars now, and Sailor Moonbelongs to belongs to Naoko Takeuichi and Toei Animation. If you don't see someof these characters in wiki, then they're OCs.


Darkness enveloped the room like a blanket, and the only source of a large was a blue glow emerging from a circular disk on a table. The glow had taken a holographic form of a box with special markings all over it. The design seemed strange, and no one would recognize it. None, save for the four beings, whose forms were concealed by the shadows as they remained seated around the table. While none could see their eyes, their gazes were directed at the holographic image before them.

One of the four brought forth a hand, and the glow from the holographic image revealed blue scales with only two fingers and a thumb. The owner of the hand spoke with a groveling voice of a man. "It seems another artifact has been taken," he spoke.

Another joined in, the deep echo coming from the other side of the table. "Indeed. This is the fourth time this month," said the second being. "Who knows where he might strike next?!"

"We will need allies for this," the third being, who spoke in a feminine tone.

The owner of the scaly hand spoke, "Actually I have an idea for some potential allies."

Next to the scaly hand, another came forward, and it was a human. The owner questioned, "And who might they be?"

The scaly hand came forward and a sharp finger pressed a button placed on the circular disk. The image of the box immediately was replaced with of group of people–five girls to be precise. Each on wore sailor-like uniform with mini-skirt that had a different color for each girl as well as a golden tiara with a crystal orb in the center of it.

The other three recognized them within an instant. "The Sailor Scouts?" the fourth and supposed human of the group stated with surprise in his voice.

"Exactly," the first replied.

His suggestion was given a snort from the second being. "Why should we bother with them?" he exclaimed, slamming red-skinned hands onto the table. "Apparently, you've forgotten what they did to us!"

"That was over a millennium ago," the third being countered. Turning her attention to the first being, she spoke "But it does bring up an interesting question. Joining with the Sailor Scouts may bring up old wounds, and we don't know the extent of their powers."

"It's risky, I admit, but they'll soon know about this," the first one spoke. "And from what I've seen, their leader seems to make good decision. I believe her to be quite wise and focused..."


The black cat Luna simply sighed as she watched the dimwitted girl known as Serena devour another cookie. The leader of the Sailor Scouts paid no attention to the crumbs that fell from hands and onto her homework assignment. All Serena did was reach out her hand to grab another cookie from the plate in front of her.

Luna was not alone as Serena's friends had the same thoughts, yet they tried their best to pay no attention to it. The said girls were the other member of the Sailor Scouts: Amy, Raye, Lita, and Mina. They all surrounded the table the pig-tailed blond was at, each one preparing for their upcoming exams. It was the reason why they arrived at Darien's apartment, believing that the presence of Serena's boyfriend would help her study. Unfortunately, Darien was temporarily away, leaving the Scouts to focus on Serena's habits instead of their books.

Lita stared at Serena with surprise as the pig-tailed girl munched another of her baked cookies. Her eyes went to the other blond that sat next to her as she whispered to Mina, "I can't believe she's still going at it. Serena's almost finished all of my cookies!"

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