FANFICTION IDEA: Fleeing A Dying Galaxy (SW Time Travel?)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars. It belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney. Any SW EU content belong to their respective owners/authors/creators too.


For a second time, Corban Jast ran to escape the assured death of a galaxy. The fading stars above dragged planets, moons, and ships into the ever-growing darkness of non-existence. They were lightyears away, but Corban felt and had even seen the black holes sucking away time itself before he came to this Outer Rim planet whose name had been lost to time. There were a few days, if not mere hours, before everything was gone. With them, gone would be light, darkness, and whatever in between existed in the Force.

His tattered cloak fluttering behind, Corban puffed and panted with every stumble. He already exhausted himself after running from the spaceport, through the tiny city on the ocean, to the open plains. Even in this place, the Force had abandoned him yet again as the destruction of the galaxy drained its light, darkness, and anything in between. Still, he had his keen senses and whatever he remembered reading from the archives.

"Come on, come on. Where is it?" Corban said with a mouth only watered by the sweat dripping down his dusk-colored face.

When his green eyes found nothing in the ever-growing darkness, Corban went for his lightsaber. Though the orange crystal was normal as any, the hilt was made of a strange organic material once made by invaders from beyond known space. Vong coral, it had been called.

Vong. The name would have made Corban vomit, once. Now, it served as a reminder of where he came from: another time, another galaxy, much like the one he was trying to escape from and yet so different. That galaxy had been his home before it died just like this one would.

Corban hastily followed the glow of his blade. He escaped destruction before. He could do it again. If only he could find the kriffing-

"There it is!"

Corban's exclamation rang across the quarry he stood atop of. If memory served him, the Empire mined out the area in search of something. That something had been why he traversed across more than half of a dying galaxy. Reaching the quarry, he almost gasped at that something, or rather three someones, staring right back at him.

In any other case, he would have spit at the majestic mural on the quarry wall as it reminded him of things so wrong with the Force. Now, he approached what had reappeared to the galaxy decades after its disappearance. He lined a free hand over the palm of a pale woman on the left and channeled, as he remembered reading from the memoirs of a 'Sabine Wren.' "Please, please, work," Corban begged the Force or whatever power would listen to him.

The painting lit up with the Force, dim as it was. Corban swore thick and thin lines on the mural alike flickered, but they also moved with what little power they had. The pale woman's head moved to the grey man in the center, whose hand lined up to the fist of the dark man on the right. The wolves resting in the mural's corners moved and-

A jolt turned Corban to what laid behind him. Everything there, from the sky to even the grass, was dying in an all encompassing void. The hours Corban once suspected now became minutes. With fear, Corban ran into the circle of wolves spinning on the wall.

Everything became a blur afterwards. He couldn't fully comprehend it all, but he realized the void he had fallen into. Lines arched around a void akin to space, nothing like the emptiness Corban escaped from. Yet, in the brief seconds of his descent, he felt no calm seeing those lines shone erratically like a disrupted power circuit. He barely saw the ring-like circles along those intersecting arches. He barely heard the voices from each of those circles, save for one.

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