FANFICTION IDEA: Falling from the Stars (MLP/SW x-over)

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Disclaimer: Don't own SW or MLP:FIM. SW belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney, and MLP belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.


Ren Incerto stood at the bridge of the Republic warship Enlightenment, his blue eyes staring out at space. The stars glittered in the dark void that was almost mesmerizing. It had been such a long time since he had a view of space, not since he had been promoted to Jedi Master.

Jedi Master, Ren repeated as he unclasped his hands from behind his back. He ran one of them through his black hair, almost unsure of his position. The rank of Jedi Master was not easy to attain, especially when one such as him managed to keep up with his peers. Then again, the rank wasn't easily given, not after his mission... after he met her.

A smile of nostalgia spread on his dark face. It had been many years since he last saw her, but he still remembered her face vividly...

A hand brushed against the armored pad on Ren's left shoulder. "Master?" a voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Turning around, Ren saw a young Zabrak, barely a woman, beside him. While the technicians and soldiers aboard respectively wore red uniforms and white armor, this one wore a long cloak around her, similarly designed to Ren's own brown Jedi robe. The cloak itself did not hide the tattoos lining her concern face and the horns slightly poking from her brown hair.

"Yes Elara?" Ren asked his Padawan.

Elara stared with her green eyes. "Master, General Dodonna has reported Sith ships have dropped out of hyperspace. He's engaging them right now and asking for assistance."

The Jedi Master almost sighed, wishing he would just watch the stars a little while longer. Nonetheless, he told Elara, "Order all troops to ready their stations. We're heading for battle."

As Elara left, Ren turned back around to face the window, his eyes no longer on the field of stars, but on the Republic warships in the foreground, along with battle cruisers of the New Sith Empire. In the back of his mind, Ren swore he felt a familiar presence in the heat of the battle.

He shook the thought away and stared ahead. The floor shook ever so slightly as the Enlightenment began to move and head towards the familiar shapes of warships exchanging fire.

To say the battle looked like a mess was an understatement. Other Republic warships-Hammerhead and Thranta-class-were spread wide and thin across the starry plain, engaging the Scimitar-class vessels of the Sith fleet. Colorful lights filled blackened spaces in between as ships and starfighter were shot down in the chaotic haze.

Another battle in the long war against the Sith.

Upon entering the fray, the Enlightenment shook from the laser fire. Keeping his balance, Ren turned to the inner workings of the bridge and called out, "Elara, what's our status?"

"Shields are holding, master," his Padawan reported from her station, her eyes never leaving her computer terminal. "Our pilots have yet to man their starfighters, but our cannons are active."

The Jedi Master returned to the window and saw the Sith battle cruiser in front of him. Against Ren's hopes, the element of surprise wore off rather quickly, and the Enlightenment was being bombarded by the Sith lasers. "All forward batteries return fire!" Ren ordered. "Have our starfighters ready for deployment!"

Murmurs spread across the bridge as the Jedi Master's orders were carried out and it was not long afterwards that the Enlightment's cannons fired. It became an exchange of lasers between the Enlightenment and the Sith battle cruiser. Ren hoped that he would fight off this enemy and get to the next ship.

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