~Chapter 11~

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"Let's turn now to Kate with the rising news of this evening," Phil, a newscaster of a national news team called The News Tonight, looked over at a screen with a blonde haired woman.

"Hello Phil," Kate greeted. "People in Oregon, where I stand now, and in parts of Texas are becoming terrified of the recent so called 'aliens' appearing."

The camera switched to an older man who started speaking. "They was like....huge. Like no thing I've eva seen in ma life. Blowin' rockets an' shootin' each other," the man huffed, "it's creepin' ma family and me out."

Next a younger girl with red hair appeared. "I was playing out back with my puppy until a big, giant robot attacked my old babysitter's house. Mommy said to not worry, but we still hid in the basement for a long time. The robots looked cool and I felt like they wouldn't hurt me on purpose, except the ones that weren't colored...now they were scary," the little girl hugged her stuffed animal tighter.

"It's obvious that whatever is making these appearances aren't trying to hide anymore," Kate came back on to the live broadcast. "This isn't a small matter to be dismissed, it's a matter that will soon affect the world. No more information is known quite yet about these 'aliens' but I will tell you Phil...this is only the beginning."

I could call.

I could call and all of this would go away. The Autobots would be gone...out of my life forever. I would like that....but another part of me dreaded it. The Autobots were the only thing I had now....but still...I would be safe.

"Riley," Ironhide's deep voice called, "we're leaving." 

Turning away from the small box TV in the gas station store I was in, I payed for the food. Sunflower seeds, candy bars, drinks, jerky, and anything that was fulfilling. The black man that sat on a stool behind the counter kept looking outside at the vehicles that had come along with me. Since the holoforms of the Autobots had pretended to fill up gas, it didn't blow anymore of our cover. Still, the man was narrow-eyed and looking at every move one of us made.

"Forty eight twenty five," the man waited for me to hand him the cash.

Almost fifty dollars worth of food. I was surprised the man hadn't asked who were or where we were going. I was also glad.

"Thank you," I mumbled after gathering the things into my arms.

"Yeah," I heard a reply as I walked out the door.

The bags to carry the items out of the store had been a dollar....and I knew that I needed close to four bags. I didn't have much money left, so carrying was the only option. I probably looked like a fucking dumb ass to the man.

"Shit," I grumbled as the jerky and soda started to fall.

"You're losing stuff," Bumblebee's holoform came up to catch the things as they fell.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"Where are your bags of food?" Bee sounded amused.

"They were a dollar each." I quickly added something else before Bee could ask why, "and I don't have very much money left."

"Oh," Bee helped me set the food in the backseat of the Camaro.

 "Are we ready to set out?" Optimus came up next to me.

His holoform was tall, around six foot two, and I looked up into his gentle blue eyes. He looked at me curiously, but showed no other emotion other than that. I couldn't help but admire him. Not only was he the leader of the Autobots, he was also good looking as a holoform.....damn, I was starting to sound like the preppy girls in back in the school years.

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