~Chapter 6~

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Picture is Riley. :)


"We'll stop here for the night," Brett pulled into a motel.

Yawning, I stretched my arms and then nodded. "Alright, sounds good to me."

While Brett got a room in the lobby, I got out and grabbed both suitcases. One was extremely heavy and the other was a little bit lighter.

"Here, I'll help you," Brett came up to me and lifted the heavy suitcase out of the trunk with one hand easily.

"T-thanks," I stammered, still surprised of his strength.

After getting settled into the room, Brett said he had to grab something from the car. When he left, I changed into pajamas. The suitcases had everything of mine- clothes, shoes, pictures, bathroom things, and a blanket. I wondered how Luke was reacting right now. He was probably calling the cops and search parties.

That meant Brett could get in serious trouble.


Brett's POV:

"Where are you Bumblebee? They are after you now," Optimus was speaking to me through the radio.

"We are currently at a motel, boss," I said in my holoform. "We'll be in Texas by tomorrow. Two days time, she will be able to meet us."

"Well done, Bumblebee," Optimus praised. "I'll see you then. Optimus out."

Looking in the mirror, I saw Riley shuffling out towards me in her pajamas with slippers. Getting out, I met her by the trunk. She looked upset.

"What's wrong, Riley?" I wondered softly.

"I'm still grieving over my father," she said quietly. Adding a little louder, Riley looked slightly up at me, "I was coming out to see what you were doing to my car."

I forgot I was her car at the moment. "We can go inside now."

"But..." she stopped when I raised an eyebrow. "Fine."

Turning around, she walked closely to me on the way back. I didn't know exactly what to do. Wrap my arm over her shoulders or let her make all the moves? I knew I wasn't supposed to, but I liked her. And I think, deep in her human heart, she liked me too.

Riley fell asleep almost immediately after we got back into the room. She fell down onto the bed and then started to breath deeply. Sitting down in a chair, I watched her closely. Ratchet had specifically told me to watch how she slept. Twitching meant starting a dream, moving and sweating meant a bad dream.

Surprisingly, Riley didn't move. If she did, it was like every other human did when they slept- just a slight roll or movement of a leg or arm. My eyes blurred slightly and I knew I needed to recharge. As long as I woke up before Riley did, I was okay.

I left myself drift off.


Riley's POV:

 Yawning and stretching, I sat up looking around. Brett was sleeping in the chair in the corner of the room. I smiled to myself when realized he had watched over me all night. We both knew those men were after us, and possibly Luke too, so Brett was keeping a close eye on me. What did they even have against each other?

"Morning," Brett made me jump out of my thoughts as he leaned forwards.

"Hi," I sat up.

"Want some breakfast?" Brett asked casually.

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