~Chapter 17~

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"Riley, get your ass up!" Lennox's stern voice called from the doorway of my little apartment.

"Go away, Lennox," I grumbled, rolling over.

"Get up!" Lennox's voice was closer.

Before I could open my eyes and really see what was happening, I was flipped off the mattress. Rolling to the floor, I groaned in annoyance.

"What the hell?"

I looked up to see Lennox standing there with his arms crossed. "I told you to get up."

"You're an asshole," I growled as I got up.

Lennox had a smirk plastered on his face and then he left the bedroom. "Hurry up, rookie!"

I got dressed into black Nike capris, a teal Nike tank top, and black with teal Nike shoes. My exercising stuff was always Nike for some reason. All the times I had gone shopping with my friends or given clothes for a gift, it had been Nike. What that reason was for, I had no idea.

"Where are we even going?" I asked after brushing my teeth, putting on deodorant, and pulling my hair up into a ponytail.

"For a run of course," Lennox faced me from looking out my window.

"Again?" I whined.

"This time we're running three miles."

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes and then filled up my water bottle. "Why are you making me do all this stuff?"

"I have my reasons," Lennox shrugged mysteriously. "And it's giving me a reason to do something."

"You're trained for the Navy Seals," I pointed out, raising an eyebrow. "Like you need anymore conditioning."

"You can never be too strong or too conditioned," Lennox pointed out. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," I sighed.

"Great, let's go then," he seemed surprisingly excited.

My small home was in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. Lennox and Optimus had both made sure my location would be impossible to find. In Renovo, Pennsylvania, I felt alone except with the few people coming and going and the small town of about one thousand. The small area you could call a town was in the middle of a few state parks. All of the people were kind with good hearts and that made staying hidden easier.

"I can't wait for you to leave," I growled lowly as I stretched out my legs while walking.

"I've only been here for a few days!" Lennox smirked.

"A few too many."

It was almost a routine for me to expect a visitor every few days or so. Whether it be Lennox or one of the soldiers at Nest, someone came to check if everything was alright. Most would pop in for a few hours while a few would stay the night. Lennox had decided to stay the entire weekend this time.

"I'll be gone and out of your hair in a few hours," Lennox promised.

We started with a brisk walk to warm-up. Lennox kept silent, enjoying the gentle flow of the river to the right of us just as I did.

"Good morning, Riley," Carol, a mini mart owner near me, smiled as she and her daughter, Emily, strode by.

"And to you," I added back.

Lennox smiled to the two lovely ladies before picking up the pace a little bit. I was right next to him, trying to continue to prove I was just as good as him- even though I wasn't.

My Guardians (A Bayverse Transformers Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora