~Chapter 3~

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"Bumblebee," Optimus' voice came in through my radio.

"Yeah boss?" I replied through my radio.

"You must act fast. Riley's dreams are getting worse. Ratchet scanned the energy level in her brain and it's the highest it's ever been. Time is ticking," his voice was deep and calm, but pressing.

"I won't fail."

"Optimus Prime out," the radio made a static sound and I shut it off.

From my vehicle mode in the driveway, I could see Riley get into her bed and turn off the light. I wanted to transform badly and watch her all night, but I restrained myself. She shouldn't feel stalked by me, only protected.

That afternoon had been so hard for me. First I almost gave away my real name and second I almost got caught by her father. I needed to speak to her.....alone.


Riley's POV:

"Nice car," my old neighbors Dan and Carol said from their yard, staring at me.

"Thanks," I said while throwing my purse into the passenger seat.

"They waste so much money on her," I heard them whisper to one another while I pretended to ignore them and get in. "She's just going to wreck it and waste money."

"It's only my father now," I turned and snapped to them. Caught off guard, they jumped. "And this was a gift...my father and I didn't spend a penny on it. So stay out of our lives!"

Slamming the door as I got in, I started the car and then sped out of the driveway and down the street. My hands seemed to turn white as I gripped the wheel roughly.

"Neighbors," I growled, but chuckled at the same time. "Nosy and always judgmental."

Pressing a button on the radio, I started jamming out to "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift.


"What the fuck?" I stopped the car a few minutes later and then heard the car rev....on it's own.

Taking my hands off the wheel, I quickly grabbed my purse and then went to open the door. When it locked, I screamed. Thank god we were in the middle of nowhere outside of town....but it also made it so no one could save me.

"Help!" I yelled, hitting the window with my palm. "Let me out!"

Unlocking the door, I quickly opened it and then practically fell out of it. Panting, I backed off the road and fell into the grass. Crab walking backwards until I was on the other side of the ditch, I waited for the Cybertronian to transform. The moment didn't happen.

"Hello?" I questioned. Breathing to gather myself for a moment, I added, "Look...if you're a Cybertronian then just transform."

The moment still never came.

"You're crazy, Riley," I muttered to myself standing up slowly. "They aren't real...your car is not Bumblebee. You're just talking to a car. It's all in your head."

Slowly walking across the road to go to my car, I stopped. There was a whistling sound. What the hell?

"Riley!" a voice shouted and then something rolled in front of me, blocking the thing coming towards me.

Screaming, I fell back again and crab walked back into the ditch. My Camaro was now on the other side of the road- opposite from before. Panting, I looked around.

"You're really just imagining things, Riley," I shook, fearfully. "You're fine, just drive home. Then you can freak out there."

Getting in the car quickly, I turned around and started driving. My heart was still beating quickly and my hands shook on the wheel. I was just imagining things. I was that much of a nerd. The gas light turned on and I realized I couldn't make it home, so I went for the rest stop a ways ahead.

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