~Chapter 25~

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I have to interrupt for just a moment to thank all of you for reading this! I know for a fact I've gained and lost readers during the time of writing this book and I want to thank them for reading any parts that they read! So thank you, whoever you are, even though some of you may not read this! I really want to thank those of you who have stuck with me through the long waits for updates and boring chapters and are here now, reading this. I cannot thank you enough for what you've done, because honestly I never would have dreamed getting this many reads on this story. But you helped me! So thank you, so so so much! <3 :)

And so here we are....the last chapter of My Guardians. Yes, I realize this was a shorter fan fiction, but some chapters were long and I never planned on having a long story. No matter what size, I hope you have enjoyed it and will be just as upset and confused (yes!) as I was on how this ends. ;)

I love you all so much! I'll stop bugging you now so you can go read! 

BTW there WILL be an Epilogue VERY shortly after this, just to completely tie off the book. THAT is what I plan on leaving you hating me with. :D



My breath was cut short as I fell into the water.

The box around me kept the water out at first, except for when the pressure increased. I banged on the glass, hitting with all my might, to try and break the thick material.

"Let it engulf you," my mother was suddenly on the other side of the glass, looking so similar to me.

"Let it use you," my father appeared on my other side.

I continued to hold my breath, my eyes wide open in the water.

"Let it control you," a third voice made me turn around sharply.

"Luke?" I blurted out into the water.

His eyes were narrowed into a light green gaze. Lockdown's holoform had made him look so much older, when really he was only older than me by four years. I pressed my hands against the glass and felt him back away slowly.

"How could you let him take me, Riley?"

"Who?" I questioned. "Lockdown?"

"You failed at protecting the rest of the family like I asked you to," my mother hissed.

"If you wouldn't have let it control you, I could've been with you longer!" my father added.

"What are you talking about?" I was running out of air. "What's it?"

"You know what it is," Luke hissed.

Both of my parents moved away from the tank, Luke following them deeper into the the dark water. I screamed at them to come back and help me, but nothing could make them turn around.

Kicking at the sides of the glass, I tried to break free out of the tank. Nothing would even make the glass crack. I screamed out hopelessly again. Before I could try to kick at the glass again, a bright blue light appeared from in front of me.

"Hello?" I gasped for air I didn't have.

"Calm yourself," the voice sounded oddly familiar.


"If you don't calm yourself, you're going to drown," Crosshairs' voice echoed next.

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