~Chapter 12~

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"Can you track their location Ratchet?" Optimus Prime asked the medic worriedly.

The leader knew Bumblebee could handle himself, but Riley was his number one worry. Sure she could hold her own and sure she had the Scout with her, but what those humans wanted with her had to be horrifying. Optimus had an inner-spark drive to protect the young human femme even though the Autobot group had just introduced themselves not too long ago. Optimus felt the urge even when they were near each other.

"I've drawn close locations, but nowhere even close to their actual positions. The fragging humans that took them are smart and took Bumblebee's form on a truck the opposite way," Ratchet replied to his leader.

"His holoform won't last much longer," Optimus almost groaned.

"Not if Bumblebee stays close to Riley. Something about her makes it so the holoform doesn't disappear. I noticed it while she was with us."

"Primus help us," Optimus mumbled under his breath. "Get their locations and then find me. We need to get them both back here quickly."


Riley's POV:

As the van we were in stopped, I felt myself wake up. Someone's arm wrapped around my mid-section made my eyes actually open. The body was warm, but not awake.

Relax Riley, you're still with Bee.

My own thoughts seemed to soothe me. Turning in the grip of Bee, I smiled at his angel-like face. Though it was relaxed while he recharged-more like slept-something about his expression made him look uncomfortable.

"Bee," I whispered, shaking him lightly.

"Hmm?" Bee shifted and slowly opened his holoform eyes.

"The van's stopped," I kept my hands on him.

Sitting up more, Bee glanced to the front seat where the driver and passenger started to get out. "Keep close to me. We'll get through this together."

"That was my plan too," I made Bee roll his holoform eyes.

The doors of the van stopped and I blocked the bright light with my hand before I was blinded. Three people in black military clothes stood threateningly in front of the doors.

"Exit the vehicle," one of them commanded.

Slowly I went first and then Bee slowly followed. His car form was close, I figured, because he wasn't fading out. A small wave of relief washed over me knowing Bee could definitely handle himself now.

We were in some sort of large base which I knew was hidden from the public. No one seemed to be near our part of the arena, but there were tons of military vehicles-mostly trucks and delivery-type ones-around us.

"When we get near my Cybertronian form, we're making a run for it," Bee's holoform murmured in my ear so that the strange people close to us couldn't hear.

"Follow him," the two people next to us pushed us forwards, making our feet follow in the direction of the third guard.

"There," Bee muttered and I looked to where the black and yellow Camaro sat lifelessly not twenty feet from us.

"You sure?" I breathed. What if these people had guns? It didn't look like it...from what I could see at least.

"Yes I'm sure! Now!" Bee whispered.

I didn't need to hear it twice. Using my defensive skills from the classes I had taken in the past, I turned to punch the person closest to me in the face. My hit knocked him to the ground, making him yelp in pain. Bee seemed to do close to the same thing, because the guard that had been closest to him was on the ground now, also in pain.

"Get to the car!" Bee growled and attacked the third guard starting to pursue us.

"Get them!" I felt my heart shiver as more voices of the same mysterious people yelled above us.

"Come on!" Bee yelled over the shouts, grabbing my arm.

"We have to fight," I could see the denial on Bee's holoform's face. "At least for a few moments!"

Dipping his head, Bee dodged a punch coming at him and slammed the man into another as a group of about six came at us. I used any tricks I knew, dodging punching, kicking, and even slapping the strong people. Bee and I held on for what seemed like minutes before more people came after us.

Grabbing my arm, Bee started running towards the Camaro in the corner of my vision. "We have to go!"

"Stop!" there was a quiet bang and then Bee stopped and dropped to his knees.

"No!" I didn't skip a beat.

Grabbing Bee's hand's I began dragging him towards the car. The closer he got, the sooner he could transform and kick everyone's asses.

"Calm down!" someone grabbed me from behind and I lunged out towards Bee's limp body as the man pulled me away from him.

"Bee!" I whispered. "No! Let me go, you-

I stopped talking once I turned to see the man's face.

Hot damn!

"You...." I whispered, breathing heavily.

"I'm William Lennox," the man smirked at my reaction. "Call me Lennox."

"Lennox," I shivered at the word soaking into my tongue.

His hands released me and I backed away slowly. "Your friend is going to be fine. I need to talk to you."

"I'm not going anywhere without him," I couldn't take my eyes away from his crystal blue ones.

William Lennox's face was evenly colored, yet slightly pale. The little stubs of facial hair on his cheeks, upper lip, and chin made him seem even more attractive. With a t-shirt on, I could easily see he had muscles. His black hair wasn't styled, but sat like it had just been ruffled with.

"Look he's fine," Lennox made me turn to look at Bee laying on the ground.

Feeling a sudden pinch in my neck, I grabbed the spot and turned to look at Lennox. "What the hell?"

"We'll talk later," my vision got blurry and I fell into his arms. "I promise." I completely passed out at Lennox's whisper.

I felt trapped.

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