~Chapter 20~

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I shouldn't have felt like I did at the loss of Ironhide, but I did.

No matter how hard I tried, I could never get his deep, protective voice out of my head. I couldn't forget his holoform's eyes, hair, lips, anything. I couldn't forget him.

His last words bugged me the most, making me want to scream and tear my hair out at how confusing it was.

"Soon you will do more than just save me." 

What did that mean? Was he trying to tell me more things like that had happened would happen again? That more enemies would disappear when I walked into battle with the Autobots?


"Things may be hard now, but I promise they will get better," Ratchet was checking up on me for the five hundredth time today.

"There are a lot of promises going around that I can't seem to trust," I hugged my knees on the bed I had called mine for two weeks now.

"You need to eat," Ratchet was looking to the cold plate of veggies, meat, and pasta. "And after that, take the relaxation pills I've given you. Four a day, two at night and in the morning."

"Have you heard anything I've said?" I was meaning over the last two weeks.

Ratchet hadn't seemed to hear anything I'd said over the few days. Every time he came in, he'd check my pulse, check if I ate, and then tell me to take more medicine. Whenever I spoke, my words seemed to go in one ear and out the other, not stopping to process in his processor.

"See you tonight at eight," Ratchet slammed the door shut behind him, leaving me alone.

What the hell?

I had nothing to do in the room I had been assigned to and I wasn't allowed out either. When I could go out, it was to take a walk with Lennox- which was usually an awkward silence- or go to the bathroom. I felt trapped in the very place I was told could protect me.

"I have to get out of here," I growled.

Jumping off the bed, I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and changed into a white long sleeve with a tan sweater. My legs were fully covered with jeans and tan boots. Before deciding I was completely ready to go, I pulled on a tan scarf and a thick black jacket.

Searching through my things, I picked up the object I was looking for. By no means was I planning to use it, but if I had to I would. No fatal wounds would be necessary, but definitely ones that would stun.

"Excuse me miss, but aren't you supposed to be in your-

A groan escaped my guard's mouth as I hit his head against the wall, knocking him out. Looking around twice, I pulled the hood over my head and tucked the small purse around my shoulders deeper into my side. I exited Nest through a door in the corner of the area, not drawing too much attention.

"Where are you going?" a voice that sounded familiar made me glance back as I ran towards the last door.

"Leave me alone!" I hissed back, smashing the door open.

"Riley! Get back here!" the voice, I realized, was Crosshairs. 

Running out into the bright sunlight, I covered my face so I could see. The only way to escape was to swim across a river to the deep forest on the other side. I could hide in the trees....

"Don't you d-

I lept off the edge of platform I was on, falling deep into the water. My clothes, once keeping me warm from the winter air, were now soaked, freezing me. I wanted to allow myself to sink down, but I swam up and forwards instead. A loud shivering gasp escaped my lips as I came out of the water.

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