~Chapter 2~

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"Dad! I'm home!" I called out loudly.

Shutting the door and locking it behind me, I threw my bag down to walk into the kitchen. As I had thought, glass was broken on the floor and a trail of, what looked like, alcohol started going up the stairs.

"Not again!" I muttered and ran around the glass to go upstairs.

The shower was running and I knocked on the door rapidly. "Dad? Dad, are you okay? Are you in there?"

I took a deep breath before opening the door and gasping at the scene in front of me. My father's clothes were spread out on the floor and he sat in our huge tub, unconscious. Groaning, I grabbed his towel and shut off the water.

This was the most awkward day of my life. . .seeing my father in the tub, drunk, and naked. Yep, I think that won over any other embarrassing time of my life.

Grabbing a big glass in the cabinet, I filled it up with freezing cold water from the sink. Pouring it onto my dad's face, I backed up when he gasped and sat up. Wincing, I saw him look at me then to himself and back.

"What are you doing in here?" he demanded.

"You kinda passed out in the tub," I set the cup down on the counter. "Get out and get dressed, you have a meeting in one hour."

As I shut the door to the bathroom, I shuddered. I still wasn't over the whole "dad passed out in the tub" thing. Walking downstairs, I grabbed the broom and swept up the glass. I mopped up the alcohol off the floor and then wiped down the counter. His attacks were happening more and more often. It sickened me every time it happened, but there was no way to control it. All the traveling to different doctors to try to fix it didn't do squat. The doctors said there was no cure.

The attacks happened whenever he had a bad day or when he thought of my mom. Sure, I still had pain from her death, but I learned to distract myself from it. The whole nerd thing of mine about Cybertronians were my distraction. They saved me, in a way, from hurting myself like my father.

"Dad!" I called from the bottom of the stairs. "We need to go!"

"How do I look?" he asked, making a flexing pose in his new suit.

Laughing, I shook my head, "professional. Are you ready?"

"Are you?" he asked as he walked down the stairs.

"Yes, dad," I jingled my keys.

"Did you finish homework?" he questioned.

"No," I watched his face anger and added, "buuut I plan on doing it during your meeting while I'm waiting."

"That's my girl," he kissed me on my forehead before grabbing his briefcase on the table and heading out the door.

I followed him out and got in the dark gray Honda of ours. It had been my mother's before she died. I loved driving it alone, with fields around me and no music. The inside of the car still smelled like her. Not perfume or anything, but her. Everyone has their own scent to them and my mother's was sweet. Everything about her was. . . .

"So what's this meeting even for, dad?" I asked, interrupting the silence- and my thoughts.

"Making sure the blueprints are right, deciding who we should let off, simple things like that," my father shrugged.

As I pulled up into the huge parking lot of the car dealership my father was a boss for, I let him out. "Where are you going?"

"To park," I leaned over, smiling slightly. "Don't worry, I'm going to be fine."

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