~Chapter 9~

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Picture is Ratchet as a holoform.


"Riley Lawson, where have you been?" Luke demanded, crossing his arms and looking at both of us younger people in front of him.

"Around," I shrugged. "You gonna let us in or not?"

"This isn't time for games," Luke continued to stand in the doorway, even when I tried to go in.

"I'm not playing games," I narrowed my eyes. "Let us in and I'll tell you where I've been."

When Luke turned and let us inside, Brett squeezed my hand once. I knew he was worried about me telling the secret of who he really was. Not a soul besides my own would ever know about the Autobots and that they existed. I'd would die before I'd let anyone else know the truth.

"I have some friends over," Luke commented as he shut the door behind us. "They were helping me look for you."

"Luke," I rolled my eyes. "I'm twenty years old, not a baby. I can take care of myself."

"What if a gang grabbed you and you were used for sex trafficking? What if you were abused and raped to death?" Brett shuddered slightly next to me, as if he was going through his processor, horrified. Luke continued talking. "I was worried sick. You're more valuable to me than my car or my job or anything!"

I felt Brett's grip tighten so tight on my hand, I tried not to cry out in pain. "Can you get us some water, Luke? Please?"

Luke sighed and then nodded. The "friends" that Luke had been talking about weren't here....or at least not in the room.

"Can you release the death grip on my hand please?" I muttered to Brett.

As if snapping out of a dream, Brett released my hand and then stroked it gently. "Sorry."

"So who's this guy?" Luke came back with two glasses of water.

Giving one to me and keeping the other for himself, Luke sat down on the couch across from us and drank it. Sliding the water to Brett, I only looked straight at Luke, "Nobody dangerous. Where are your friends?"

Luke seemed hesitant. "Upstairs. What's your name, boy?"

Brett reached out and looked like he forced a smile on his face. "Brett Parks." Luke didn't shake his hand, but only glared at it.

"They're not dangerous are they, your friends?" I raised an eyebrow, mimicking Luke and ignoring the tension between the two men.

"No, but they are here for your friend," Luke suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Next to me, Brett stood up and disappeared. Autobots were crashing into my house and so were other...Decepticons? I let out a scream when Luke came at me and started running to the back door. The sooner I got away, the sooner nobody would get hurt. Luke's voice was cut off suddenly and I turned around to look for him.

"Luke!" I screamed, falling back as if I was going to do a crab-walk.

The house around me shook as I got back up with a grunt and continued to run towards the backdoor.

"You!" arms wrapped around me and I fought to get away.

I didn't care who it was- Autobot or Decepticon- I needed to escape. It was all just some big dream and to wake up, I needed to get away.

"Let me go, bastard!" I pulled the knife I had put in my boot before ever walking into the house.

Stabbing my attacker right in the shoulder, I continued to try to escape the house.

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