~Chapter 22~

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I awoke with the smell of warm food nearby.

My eyes opened and I sat up, noticing the plate of eggs, bacon, and toast on the bedside table next to me. When I turned my head, I noticed that half of the curtains were opened; someone had only opened the side that wouldn't shine on me. The room was silent and I felt awkward with myself.

The memories of last night flooded my mind when I looked down. With covers messed up and a few pillows thrown across the room, the bed was a complete mess. The small soreness between my legs proved that last night wasn't a dream.

"You said you wouldn't leave me," I mumbled underneath my breath.

Sliding out of the bed, I stretched nude. I kept my hands above my head as I noticed myself in the mirror on the wall. Small bruises had been etched into my skin by my hips and arms. A small smile formed on my lips as I touched them, sore and chapped. My hair was a mess and I swear I could still see kisses all over my body.

Without wasting more time, I got dressed into the outfit that had been set out on the table in the center of the small room. It was tight-fitting leggings with a black tank top and bra. I thought back to my suit and wondered if the clothes would fit inside.

After changing, I found a brush in the bathroom and brushed out my hair, using a hair tie to pull my hair back. I left the room with an empty plate set on the table and the last bit of toast crunching in my mouth.

"Good morning, Riley," I passed Crosshairs in a holoform after walking a little ways.

"Hey, have you seen Bee?" I asked.

"I think he's in the armory with Optimus and Lennox," Crosshairs didn't stop walking.

I walked a little quicker to where I thought my target was. Bee was going to get a punch for leaving me, though he said he wouldn't.

"So, it will take around two minutes to get all of you out of the atmosphere," Lennox was explaining to Ratchet, Bee, and Optimus when I rounded the corner to the armory.

When Bee caught my eye, his eyes widened. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists. Optimus noticed me and smiled.

"Come in, Riley!"

"How did you sleep?" Lennox asked me.

"Why?" I didn't look away from Bee.

"I hope you got enough rest, because you're going to need it today," Lennox shrugged.

"I slept very well," I didn't look away from Bee.

When I noticed Optimus looking between us, I glanced at him. A small smirk was playing on the lips of his holoform. I looked back to Bee.

"I was looking for you," I told Bee. "Hound and I needed your help."

"With what?" Optimus pressed.

I glanced to him, silently cursing him. "With a training exercise specifically meant for Bee and I."

Bee looked away, blushing slightly. "Sorry, I was needed here."

"Well, if you're done, do you mind joining us now?" I cocked my head and narrowed my eyes.

"O-Of course," Bee nodded and started walking towards the exit.

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