~Chapter 13~

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"You.....bl.....bu," the blur of Lennox in my vision made me groan.

"Why the fuck do you keep doing this to me?" I grumbled and sat up straight in my chair. "This drug you're giving me is going to screw me up and then I'll sue you for everything you got!"

"Relax Riley," Lennox said from across an interrogation table. "It's just a tranquilizer that lasts for a few minutes. All it does is calm you."

"What if I don't want to be calm?" I snapped.

Lennox only looked into my deep blue eyes. "Let's get back on the questions now."

"You keep asking me questions!" I crossed my arms like a two-year-old. "I think it's time for some answers from you!"

I found it creepy the man in front of me was exactly like William Lennox from the Transformers movies-he even had the same name- but I didn't let it show. Creepier things had happened in front of me in the last two weeks.

"Alright," Lennox smirked at my childish attitude and leaned back in his chair. "Ask away."

"What is this place? Where am I? Who were those people?" I blurted, even more thoughts popping in my head at each question.

"This place is called Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty," Lennox almost lost me in his blurb of words. "Or N.E.S.T for short."

A small gasp escaped my lips and I hoped he hadn't heard it.

"Those people were trying to get you here and away from the aliens who've taken you away from your family," Lennox explained. "Anymore questions?"

"Yeah," I kept my arms crossed and narrowed my eyes. "Where's the man I came with? And what's your interest in me?"

"Our interest?" Lennox almost laughed. "We have no 'interest' in you. Only the aliens you've come with."

"They're not aliens," I snapped.

"If you want to see your friend, you can. But only in here."

"Am I like trapped or something?" I looked around the white room.

"Not trapped, but untrusted," Lennox motioned for something at the door.

"Be-Brett," I corrected and stood up as the holoform of Bumblebee was shoved inside the room.

"Hey," Bee replied weakly.

"What have you done to him?" I glared at Lennox.

"I have done nothing myself. My men have asked some questions on the other hand," he shrugged.

"Did they hurt you?" I spoke lowly to Bee.

Slowly he nodded his head.

Shaking my head, I turned to face Lennox. "You motherfucker! I'm going to kick your ass! You have no right or business taking us away from our family! You little bastard!"

"We haven-

A large crash outside from the large base area interrupted my pre-ass-kicking speech.

"What's going on?" Lennox demanded, looking to the dark window.

"Our family is here to kick your ass for me, I guess," I smirked.


I kept Bee close to me as we escaped the interrogation room through the battle. Optimus was pissed off, clearly. He didn't necessarily harm the people in NEST, but he did kick a few jets and vehicles.

"He won't kill anyone," Bee seemed to promise. "There may be a few broken bones though."

I let out a small laugh. "I have to prevent that too."

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