~Chapter 5~

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"I'll see you later, Luke," I said as I came down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Luke stood up from the table.

"I"m just going to see dad," I reassured him. "I'll be fine, I promise."

"Be back before nine," Luke warned, "Or face my....anger!"

Screaming, I ran around the island of the bar with Luke chasing after me. Once he got to me, Luke tickled my stomach.

"Stop!" I gasped.

Chuckling, Luke released me and then led me to the door. "Seriously though. I don't want anything to happen to you. So be back by nine."

"I will, I will!"

As Luke shut the door, I skipped out to my Camaro. Luke's car, which was a Lamborghini Aventador, was parked next to my Camaro. I glanced at it twice and shook my thoughts away. His car wasn't Lockdown, because Luke was my brother for crying out loud! He worked for the Lamborghini company, so of course he would get one. Plus his favorite character was Lockdown, so he would choose a car like that.

Humming along to "Steal My Girl" by One Direction, I drove to the North part of town. I wasn't going to go see my father quite yet. I promised Brett that I would meet him and I never broke promises. Sure I lied sometimes, but only to save myself or someone else. If Luke knew I was meeting up with Brett, I knew Brett would get hurt badly. Sometimes brothers were too protective- so were fathers.

Slowing down once I reached the outskirts of town, I looked carefully for Brett. After looking at the note specifically, I noticed he had written "at the rest stop" at the bottom of the page. He was clever, almost too clever and I didn't understand what was making me meet him. 

Turning into the stop, I parked. I didn't see Brett anywhere. Just like I thought....he was just some guy playing a joke on me. I still forced myself to get out, lean against the hood, and wait for him.


"Seriously?" I groaned.

It had been an hour. A whole fucking hour! Brett was still a no-show. Annoyed, I opened the door to get back in.

"Where you going, Riley?" a voice asked and I turned to see Brett coming off a bus.

"What took you so long?" I demanded. "And why were you on a bus?"

Brett wore a white t-shirt with a black zip-up hoodie and jeans with sneakers. His dirty blonde hair was swept to the side, but still messy like the first time I had seen him. The blue eyes that had first caught my attention seemed to be looking me over too. I wore skinny jeans, a baggy shirt that said "I'm not a morning person," and all black Vans. My black hair was wavy naturally, and I rang my fingers through my hair to pull it out of my face.

"I got busy," Brett interrupted the silence. "And I don't have a car."

"That's not a good excuse," I murmured and Brett smirked. "So what'd you want to meet here for?"

"Well," Brett said slowly, "I just wanted to hang out."

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at him. "Are you starting at the college tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Brett ran his hand through his hair. "I just wanted to be able to know someone before I went."

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Twenty. You?"

"Nineteen," I said slowly. "Now that I know you're not younger than me, I guess I'll try to help you."

Smiling and lifting his chin, Brett walked towards me. "So what do we do first?"

Looking him over, I put my finger on my chin. "Hmm. So you seem to have the clothes and hair figured out. How about your interests?" 

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