What a Show

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I walked down the hall to where Eric had pointed me, heading for my front row seat in the stadium. I could barely keep the smile off my face. He had asked if I wanted to meet up again! I just couldn't get enough of him. No man made me feel the way he did. I was a nervous wreck, like a schoolgirl with a crush. It was almost frustrating, in a way. Plenty of men had been nervous wrecks around me while I kept myself cool and collected. It's what I was known for, and yet I could barely get a coherent sentence out around Eric. My one consolation was that he seemed just as shy in general as I was around him, so it worked out fine enough.

So happy my hands were shaking, I walked through the set of doors he had pointed at, scanning the wide arena until I found the front row, and more importantly Shannon. Her face lit up when she saw me and she beckoned me over.

"Y/N! How was your little adventure with Eric?" she asked eagerly.

Before I could answer, a voice boomed across the arena, making me jump.


"I'll tell you after the show!" I shouted, struggling to be heard as the curtain dropped and KISS took the stage.

She nodded, giving me a smile before turning to look at the stage, absolutely enraptured by Gene. He seemed just as invested, staying close to her side of the stage, flicking picks and flirting with her as often as he could.

I, on the other hand, spent my time doing my best to see past Vinnie and Paul and Gene to watch Eric behind his drum kit. The only downside of the front row was it was a bit harder to see his drum kit than I'd have preferred.

"Hey Shannon! I'm going to move a few rows back to see Eric better, I'll come back after his solo!" I said, and she nodded distractedly, not really looking away from Gene.

I pushed my way through the crowds, not stopping until I reached the closest edge of one of the balcony seats, able to have a perfect view of Eric. Letting out a content sigh, I rested my head on my hand, leaning over the railing and watching as he drummed, not focusing on anything else. It was like there was no one in the arena but him.

At last it was time for his drum solo and I nearly melted away watching him pound on the drums until at last, to my dismay, he had finished. I weaved back through the crowds, returning to my seat and standing beside Shannon again, watching the rest of the show. At last Eric came to the edge of the stage with the rest of the band, taking his bows and tossing me a set of drumsticks, face pink and refusing to meet my eye. I caught the sticks, holding them tightly to my chest, heart hammering against my ribs. Gosh the things he made me feel.

At last the curtain dropped after the encore and Shannon turned to me, taking my hand.

"Come backstage and tell me everything!" she said gleefully.

Grinning, I followed her, drawing to a halt as soon as we slipped backstage.

"Well? How was it?" she asked.

"Oh it was wonderful! He's just such a sweetheart, he's so shy though! Gosh I'm a mess around him, it's embarrassing."

"Aw that's too sweet!" she gushed. "Oh Y/N I think he likes you, I really do!"

Face burning, I shook my head.

"Oh no he couldn't I'm certain."

I all of a sudden remembered what he had said about Gene and gripped Shannon's arm.

"Oh Shannon he told me, I'm so sorry to have to tell you but he told me Gene always flirts with other women and goes much further than that even while he's dating someone and—"

She giggled, shaking her head.

"I know dear, I know. Gene told me. I love him enough to put up with it, and he knows I'll do the same to another man if I so choose to. I know it's not for everyone, but I'm willing to deal with it if it means I can be with him. And maybe I'll be the one to change him."

"Just be careful. Never forget how lucky any man is to be with you! You're out of his league," I said, and she gave me a hug.

"And I'll never forget how lucky I am to have a friend like you!"

A hand came to rest on my shoulder and I broke the hug to turn and find Eric standing behind me, feeling my face growing red.

"Um...h-hey Y/N, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab dinner with me or something? Only if you want of course!"

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now