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Bruce POV

My phone began to ring and I picked it up, holding it against my ear with my shoulder as I continued to make myself some pasta.

"Hello this is Bruce Kulick."

Eric: Bruce! Y/N had our baby! Come to the hospital and see our daughter!

I smiled at the sheer excitement in his voice. 

"Alright, I'll head over! Congrats that's awesome! How'd it go? Y/N doing alright?" I asked, setting aside my dinner for now and looking for my shoes.

Eric: It went great! Okay no not really 'cause she gave birth in my car so I'm gonna have to get the Porsche detailed tomorrow but she and our baby are fine and that's what's most important!

"I'm sorry, she gave birth in your car?" I asked in disbelief.

Eric: Yeah labor moved too fast so I had to help her, oh my gosh I haven't been that high on adrenaline since my first KISS concert. Anyway please hurry up and come see! No one else lives in New York but you, they're all in LA!

"What about your parents?" I asked, picking up my keys and wallet.

Eric: Oh my gosh! I gotta call my parents! Holy shit I'll call you back, if anyone asks I called them first! Still hurry up though!

Laughing, I hung up, heading for my car. It was adorable how excited Eric was, he had been talking non-stop about how he couldn't wait to be a parent from the moment he found out Y/N was pregnant, it was nice to see him finally being able to hold his baby. 

Since I had several minute's notice on them, I arrived at the hospital before his parents. Eric was waiting for me in the hall and his face absolutely lit up. Running the few steps between us, he practically tackled me as he hugged me.

"Bruce! I have a baby now! Oh my gosh it's amazing! You gotta come see her! Don't tell Gene but you're my favorite of her uncles so it makes sense you see her before he does! And-and her name's Stephanie Rue and that's 'cause apparently Rue is a female version of Bruce and if it was a boy his middle name would've just been Bruce and oh my gosh I've got a baby now, I have a family with my girlfriend and it's perfect and they're perfect," he said in a rush, tears welling up in his eyes.

I smiled, ruffling his hair, unbelievably touched by the fact he named his daughter after me, at least in the middle name. 

"I'm really happy for you," I said. "And...and thank you. That means so much to me." 

"Here come see! She's completely bald, if she doesn't get hair I'm gonna be so sad. Anyway she's sleeping and so is my wife so don't be too loud. Well she's not my wife yet but she will be! Sorry I had coffee earlier and I shouldn't have, come see my baby now!" he babbled, taking my hand and dragging me into the room as I tried not to laugh.

"Here sit down, then you can hold her," he said in a whisper, sitting me in a chair before carefully lifting up the little bundle of pink blankets that was Stephanie, handing her gently to me.

I cradled her carefully, smiling down at her. She really did look a lot like Eric, they had almost the same nose, but there was a lot of Y/N in there too.

"Oh wow, she's a beautiful baby," I murmured. "I'm so glad you've finally got your family!"

Absolutely beaming, he nodded, taking his daughter back and smiling lovingly at her.

"It's just the most wonderful feeling in the world," he said in a soft voice. "I just don't even wanna let go of her to set her in her bassinette, she's the most precious thing in the world to me."

"You're going to be a great father," I said.

Eric's parents arrived soon after and I decided to leave so as not to intrude on their family moment, bidding farewell to Eric and a now-awake Y/N, happy to see them so happy.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now