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~Time Skip 4 More Months!~

Eric POV

I poked my head through the doorway of our room, smiling as I saw Y/N was fast asleep on the bed.

"Perfect," I murmured, leaving a note downstairs before scooping Stephanie up in my arms, carrying her to the car and buckling her into her carseat.

"Where going?" she asked as we drove off.

"You're going to go hang out with Uncle Bruce for a few hours this afternoon! I think he said he was going to take you to the playground or something fun like that. I know you'll have a good time," I said. 

"Mkay!" she said, kicking her legs excitedly as we drove. 

Bruce gave me a smile as he opened the door, ruffling Stephanie's hair.

"Hello Stephanie!" he said, taking her from me. 

"And you've got her for a few hours?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I'll bring her over at 8, how does that work?" he asked.

"Oh that's perfect! Gosh you're amazing, thanks a million!" I said, giving him a hug.

"Hey, it's no problem! Christina and I don't plan on having kids, so it's fun to help out with Stephanie and Nick," he said. 

"Alright bye cutie pie, I'll see you later tonight!" I said, giving Stephanie a kiss on the cheek before driving back home. 

I looked in our room again, relieved to see that Y/N was still sleeping. Knowing I had to work quick, I began to run a bath, filling the tub with warm water and bubbles and a peppermint scent to try and help with the nausea she had still been struggling with. As the bath filled, I ran downstairs, getting a tray from the cabinet and making as many snacks as I could remember her being able to eat, ranging from avocados on toast to applesauce, pairing it with a fruit smoothie and some peppermint tea. 

Once that was done, I brought it to the bathroom, setting it on the counter beside the bath, before lighting some candles around the tub, finishing it off with a CD playing some relaxing music. Finally satisfied, I walked back to our room, waiting for Y/N to wake up. After another half our or so, my perfect wife lifted her head from the pillows, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

"Hello beautiful," I said, leaning over and giving her a kiss. "Did you sleep well?" 

Stretching with a yawn, she nodded.

"I did, it was nice. I'm surprised Stephanie didn't wake me up earlier," she said, slowly pushing herself upright. 

I took her arm, gently helping her to sit up. 

"How're you feeling?" I asked, exchanging a kiss with her, trying to hide how excited I was to show her what I had set up.

She frowned, stretching again. 

"Oh Honeybee I don't mean to be a bother but could you massage my back? And maybe my feet?" she asked sheepishly.

"A bother? You could never be a bother! Of course I'll give you a massage, you're carrying our baby and every day you make me the happiest man in the world, the least I can do is rub your back." 

"You're such a sweetheart," she said, lying back down.

I gave her the massage she requested before helping her to her feet, heart fluttering.

"I've got something to show you," I said, giving her hand a squeeze.

She raised an eyebrow, giving me a curious look.

"Oh? What's that?" 

"Come see!" I said, leading her to the bathroom.

As I pushed open the door, I could hear her let out a soft gasp, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Ohh, Eric," she murmured. "You did all this for me?" 

"Forever and always," I said, giving her a kiss. "Now here, let me help you undress and then you can relax in the tub! I know you've been stressed lately, so I figured I'd give you a bit of an at-home spa day. Bruce and Christina are watching Stephanie for the afternoon, meaning there's nothing here to keep you from relaxing. Well I mean besides being eight months pregnant I guess. But-but you know what I mean!" 

She laughed, kissing me, before moving my hands up her back beneath her shirt, letting me unhook her bra and pull it off before helping her step out of the rest of her clothes and into the bath. She let out a very content sigh, closing her eyes and slipping more beneath the water.

"You are truly the best husband I could ever ask for, did you know that?" she asked. 

"I do my best to be the best husband, since you're the most perfect wife and woman in the world," I said. "Anyway this is your day! I'm spoiling you, so what can I do for you?" 

She cracked open an eye, giving me a playful smile. 

"I think the only thing that could make this more perfect would be to have you in the bath with me," she said. 

I grinned, not hesitating to oblige, slipping into the water beside her and wrapping my arms around her, hands resting on her baby bump as I kissed her.

"One more month. Four more weeks," I said excitedly. 

She nodded, resting her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes again and setting her hands atop of mine. 

"I'm counting down the days, my dear," she murmured, and I smiled, unable to believe just how much I loved her. 

"Gosh you and me both." 

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now