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~Time Skip One Month!~


I let out a groan, shifting in bed to try and get more comfortable. Eric sat up, giving me a worried look.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"My back is killing me," I grumbled. 

He leaned over, giving me a kiss, and began to massage my back. 

"Tell me if I need to go higher or lower," he said.

"Mm a little lower and to the left," I said, letting out a satisfied sigh as he adjusted accordingly. "Thank you Honeybee, that's perfect."

"Of course my dear. I got you pregnant, only fair I take care of you while you are. How are you feeling? Is there anything else I can do?" he asked, kissing me on the back of my neck.

"Gosh you're perfect," I murmured. "I think I'm okay for now, unless you wanted to massage my feet too."

"If it'll make you feel better, of course I will," he said, massaging more of my back before moving to the end of the bed so he could rub my swollen feet and legs too. 

"Ohh that's perfect," I said, closing my eyes.

"Aw you poor thing, pregnancy really must suck, I'm sorry Bunny," he said sadly.

"It might, but it'll give us our baby, and that's well worth any discomfort," I said with a shrug. 

He finished that massage too, giving me a kiss and wrapping his arms around my waist as best he could. 

"That means the world to me, that we're having a baby together. I'm so happy for the moment I can hold them in my arms for the first time." 

"It'll be the best," I said. 

He rubbed small circles on my stomach and I shivered as our baby kicked gently at me. Sure the kicks were stronger now that I was seven months along, but they still felt fluttery and ticklish most of the time. 

"Mm they're excited," he said, hair tickling the back of my neck, breath warm against my skin. 

"They know their daddy's here, they're excited to see him," I said.

"I'm just as excited to see you too baby, hurry up and get here but not too early," he said, and I smiled.

"Two more months, it'll go fast." 

He let out a groan, kissing me. 

"But two months is so longggg!" he grumbled. "Lucky Gene, already having his baby. Maybe I'll just borrow Nick for two months."

I giggled, squeezing his hand.

"Oh just be patient! We'll have our own baby soon, you don't need to borrow Gene and Shannon's. Besides, we're going to their place for dinner tonight anyway!" I said.

He jerked upright, looking at me in shock.

"Tonight?! I thought we were going over tomorrow!" he said.

"No, tonight! Why?" 

"I gotta call Bruce and tell him I'll meet up with him tomorrow," he said sheepishly, about to pick up the phone beside our bed, but I caught his wrist.

"Honeybee I love you and Bruce does too but it's four in the morning. Lie back down and put your arms back around me, that feels nice and I want to sleep like that," I said.

"Your wish is always my command," he said, giving me a kiss before pressing against my back, arms encircling me.

I closed my eyes, dropping happily off to sleep, feeling safe and soothed in his embrace.

By the time it was evening, I was a little less excited about going to dinner.

"We don't have to go if you're not up to it! Really it'll be okay, Shannon and Gene will understand, especially Shannon!" Eric said, looking nervously at me.

I sighed, shaking my head.

"No, no, it's fine! I'll just stay off my feet as much as I can. Gosh they're so swollen, it's ridiculous," I muttered.

"Here, you can borrow a pair of my shoes! I've got some slippers, they're a few sizes too big for you normally so they should be fine," he said, running off before I could say anything. 

He was back a moment later and gently helped me put them on, pulling me to my feet. I winced, stretching my back as best I could. 

"Two more months," Eric said, kissing me, and I smiled. "Two more months." 

Shannon pulled open the door of their new house when we knocked, giving me a wide smile.

"It's so good to see you! Oh Y/N you look amazing!" she said, giving me a hug and leading me inside. 

"My gosh so do you! I can't believe you gave birth a month ago, you look perfect!" I said, and Shannon smiled.

"You're too sweet! Here, come sit in the living room, Nick's asleep in his bouncer chair in there, Gene's in the kitchen working on dinner," she said, sitting me on their very comfortable couch. 

Sure enough, baby Nick was fast asleep, sucking on a pacifier. He was adorable, and looked a lot like Gene.

"How's he been?" I asked, leaning against Eric as he sat beside me.

"Oh he's perfect, he really is. He's just the sweetest baby! He's got such a wonderful temperament, he hardly ever is difficult and takes plenty of naps, he's just perfect," Shannon said, giving Nick a fond smile, gently lifting him from his chair and cradling him.

"Well of course he is, he's our baby. He's got perfect parents," Gene said, walking into the living room and setting down a plate of appetizers. 

Dinner was wonderful, although I couldn't deny that Eric and I were a bit envious of the two of them having already had their baby. Eventually I was getting tired, so we said our farewells and headed home. 

"Hey Y/N?" Eric asked, helping me get out of my dress.


"So um...I know right now we're staying at your place in LA since you know you're pregnant so being at home is probably more comfortable, but would you maybe want...maybe want to move in with me at my place in New York?" he asked slowly.

"Oh Eric I'd love that! I think that's perfect, your place is bigger so it'll be perfect for our baby. Maybe I should move beforehand, so we don't have to deal with flying with a small baby." 

He grinned, giving me a kiss.

"That sounds like a perfect plan." 

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now