Prior Engagements

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Bruce POV

I walked into the green room, taking a bite of the sandwich I had grabbed on my way in and sitting on the couch, flipping open the brochure of engagement rings and looking through it for the millionth time that week.

I always liked showing up early to get ready before shows. It was more peaceful than the hotels, as fans always seemed to figure out where we were. But the green room was backstage, so security kept out anyone who wasn't supposed to be there.

Frowning, I ran my finger down a column of rings, comparing gemstones and prices and trying to picture each one on my girlfriend's hand.

"Come on, just try and picture her. The hell would look best on her? This shouldn't be this hard," I muttered to myself.

The door slammed open and I jumped, looking up to find Y/N standing in the doorway, chest heaving.

"Where is he?!" she snarled.

I gulped, all of a sudden feeling scared even though I wasn't the one she was mad at.

"Where's who?"

"Eric! Where the hell is he?!"

Wondering just what he had done to get her so upset, I shrugged.

"I'm not entirely sure, but he usually gets coffee before the show, I'm sure he's just doing that! Here, you can sit here and wait for him, he'll be back with his coffee soon," I said, trying to calm her down as I offered up my seat on the couch.

Still fuming, she sat down with a huff, eyes landing on the pamphlet of engagement rings.

"Oh what's this?" she asked, picking it up and starting to look through it.

"Oh I-I was trying to pick out an engagement ring for Christina, I want to propose to her once I'm back home from the tour," I admitted.

She gave me a warm smile, hand on her heart.

"Bruce that's so sweet! I'm certain she'll say yes, she'd be crazy not to!"

I smiled back, running a hand through my hair.

"Well I hope so."

There was a pause as she looked back at the pamphlet before to my shock she ripped it in half, throwing it on the ground.

"He'll never propose to me though! He'll probably propose to whatever groupie he's fucking right now!" she shouted before bursting into tears.

I blinked, stunned, before sitting beside her on the couch, patting her on the back.

", there. I'm sure Eric will propose! And he's not cheating on you, he'd never do that. He really loves you, I promise," I said.

She shook her head, sobbing harder.

"I know he is! Shannon was telling me what Gene was saying to her, and it's exactly what Eric says to me! Stuff like I'm beautiful and he loves me and he's happy we're having a baby!" she wailed.

I frowned, trying to see the logic in that before giving up and chocking it up to hormones, silently vowing to never get a woman pregnant to avoid all the mess.

"I think that's just coincidence. Gene and Eric are different people, Eric's never cheated on you before, he certainly wouldn't do it now that he's going to have a baby with you. He talks about how excited to have a family he is all the time, he really does love you I promise. I've got no reason to lie to you about this."

She threw her arms around me, hugging me tight and catching me by surprise.

"I'm sorry I ruined your pamphlet," she wept.

"Oh it's okay, I hadn't found any rings I liked in there anyway. I'll just get a new one from a different jewelry store. But maybe talk to Eric about your fears so you two can work things out?" I suggested gently.

"No! Oh Bruce please don't tell him about this! I can't risk pushing him away. I-I'm going to go find him, thank you," she said, rising to her feet and walking out of the room, leaving me sitting there with a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now