Dog Days

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I woke up to the smell of breakfast and sat up, stretching with a yawn before resting a hand on my stomach, smiling. I could still hardly believe I was really going to have a third baby with the love of my life. Almost as soon as my mind wandered to my husband, the door burst open and Eric gave me a wide smile.

"Don't get out of bed!" he said, holding a tray in his hands.

"Oh but breakfast smells so good, I--" I started, and he nodded.

"I know, that's why I brought it to you in bed!" he said excitedly, eyes shining.

My heart melted and I smiled.

"You're the sweetest thing," I murmured, kissing him as he stooped over, setting the tray carefully on my lap. 

"I hope you like it! If you're not able to eat anything or want something else, just let me know and I'll get it for you," he said, kissing me on the forehead. "Oh and I was thinking maybe you wanted a day to relax? I was gonna take the girls to the park in an hour or so, did you want to come? I wasn't thinking you were up to it, but I mean you're only about a month pregnant and-"

I pulled him into a soft kiss, closing my eyes and happily letting everything but our embrace melt away. At last, he pulled away, resting a hand on my cheek.

"Up to you. I haven't told the girls if you're going with or not yet, you've got time," he said. 

"I think I'll just stay home. I know I'm only a month along but I feel fatigued already," I admitted. 

He nodded, kissing me on the nose.

"Alright. Get some rest today then! Call me too when you're done with breakfast, I'll grab the tray," he said, rising to his feet. 

I caught his wrist, sitting him back down. 

"No, stay with me! Come sit beside me and put your arm around my waist and let me rest against your chest," I said.

"Aw Bunny you know that's my favorite thing in the world, but I can't keep leaving our 3 and 1 year old daughters unattended in the kitchen," he said.

"Eric! Go check on them!" I cried, shoving him toward the door as best I could without spilling breakfast.

He laughed, blowing me a kiss and ducking out of the room. I turned to the plate of strawberry crepes, paired with a smoothie, and smiled. He hadn't said it directly, but I knew he was trying to make up for yesterday, to show me how sorry he was and how much he loved me, even if I had already forgiven him the instant he apologized. 

After awhile, Eric popped back into our room, taking the tray from me. "Alright, I'm taking the girls to the park now, we'll be back in an hour or so," he said. "Try and get some rest." 

"Have fun, I'll see you soon! And I will," I said, giving him a kiss. 

I dozed for a little before taking a shower, actually dropping off to sleep after I climbed back into bed. I slept until there was the sound of voices and, to my utter shock, a dog barking.

"Eric! What on earth was that?!" I cried, stumbling out of bed and rushing down the stairs. 

Eric looked up, giving me a sheepish smile as he patted the head of a filthy fat black lab that was wagging its tail happily. 

"We found a stray dog and she kept following us around and she's so sweet and Stephanie and Jenny love her and I figured I'd bring her home and if you really didn't want a dog we could take it to the adoption center," he said. "Please?"

"Please Mommy?" Stephanie begged, hugging the dog.

I looked at the four of them, who all, even the dog, seemed to have matching smiles, and let out a sigh.

"Alright fine. But no more pets without talking to me first, alright?" I said, trying to be stern, but my heart was already melted long before the dog trotted over and licked my hand. 

"Thanks Bunny you're the best!" Eric said, giving me a kiss. "Now let's go give Vintage Carr a bath," he said, high-fiving Stephanie, and I could only shake my head and smile. 

~Time Skip One Month!~

"And then the big bad wolf huffed and puffed and--"

"Mommy look! A baby!"

I looked up from the picture book I was reading Jenny, smiling at Stephanie.

"Do you have one of your dolls?" I asked.

"Nuh-uh! Look! A baby!" she said again, holding up the little black bundle in her hands, and I felt my mouth drop open as I realized it was a puppy.

Eric, who had been sitting beside me, slowly covered his mouth with his hand.

"Ohh...Vintage wasn't fat, she was pregnant," he murmured, eyes wide. 

"Eric!" I cried.

"I'll go see how many puppies we have now!" he said excitedly, jumping to his feet and taking the one from Stephanie, following her into the back yard.

"We're not keeping them! I'm not having puppies, a dog, a newborn, a 1 year old, and a 3 year old on top of my child of a husband!" I called after him. 

A minute later he was back, five puppies in his arms and a very proud looking Vintage by his side.

"Okay so we've got Race, Sport, Luxury, Electric, and Classic!" he said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"You realize we're not keeping them, right?" 

"But Mommy!" Stephanie whined.

"No buts! I let Vintage slide but I'm not dealing with five puppies on top of a newborn," I said firmly. "We've got plenty of friends who will take them! Gene loves dogs, and so does Ace, and I'm sure Bruce wouldn't mind having one." 

"Alright, I'll make some calls today," Eric said with a sigh, before handing me a puppy. "Cmon Bunny, look how cute!" 

"I'm not changing my mind," I said with a smile, giving him a kiss. 

"I guess you're right, we will have our own little bundle of attention-needing joy soon," he said, giving me a fond smile.

"And I can't wait for it," I murmured.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now