Better Baby

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I looked at Stephanie with a smile, tapping her on the nose lightly.

"You are just the cutest thing," I murmured.

She looked up at me with her wide brown eyes, Eric's eyes, chunky little legs kicking slightly, and my smile grew. 

"All you do is sleep and eat and yet I've never loved anything as much as I love you." 

A tangle of curly hair brushed against my cheek as Eric leaned over my shoulder, kissing me.

"Alright I'm going to go pick up Gene and Shannon and Nick from the airport, you sure you'll be okay on your own?" he asked.

I smiled, reaching up to run a hand through his hair.

"Of course I will be. Hurry up and come back though, I miss you already and you haven't even left." 

He gave me another kiss before blowing a kiss at Stephanie. 

"I miss you both too. I'll be back soon, stay safe!" he said, giving me a parting wave as he walked out of the room. 

"I'm so excited for you to meet your aunt and cousin! And I guess your uncle too. He's...well, he's something. He's a close friend of your father though and is dating my best friend, you'll meet him no matter what. I wonder how Nick will react to seeing you, I'm not sure if he knows too many babies." 

I nursed Stephanie once she got hungry, rocking her as I sat in the rocking chair after she had finished. There was the sudden sound of the door opening and other voices and I rose to my feet, smile splitting my face as I headed downstairs, holding her close.

Shannon's face lit up when she saw me and she ran over, giving me a hug as best she could while also holding her own baby.

"Oh Y/N you look amazing! And Stephanie is so precious!" she gushed, looking at my daughter with a smile. 

"Ours is better," Gene said with a grin, and Shannon shot him a furious look.

"Gene Simmons!" she hissed.

Eric laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah you wish. Not sure if you noticed but it's my kid, and since I'm perfect she's perfect too," he said in a matter-of-fact voice, and I giggled. 

"I don't think we need to fight over who's kid is more perfect, they're both very beautiful babies," I said, looking at Nick with a smile, but I could see Gene mouth 'mine is' to Eric, while Eric just stuck out his tongue in response. 

"How has everything been?" Shannon asked, handing me Nick while she held Stephanie.

"Oh it's been fine! She's a sweet baby and so far pretty regular on naps, we've been fortunate enough to have very few issues. How's Nick? He's four months now right?" I asked, giving my nephew a smile, heart melting as he returned it. 

"Yes he is, and he's been a little more difficult lately. Unfortunately it'll only get worse when he starts teething," Shannon said with a sigh. "But Gene and I really couldn't be happier!" 

I smiled, looking at Eric who was still playfully arguing with Gene about who's baby was better.

"That's how Eric and I feel. Oh Shannon you have no idea how much more it means to actually be able to hold my daughter in my arms. I really just can't wrap my head around how I got so lucky to have him in my life." 

"Well it's simple, because we love each other," Eric called from across the room.

"Yes we do," I said, blowing him a kiss.

"Yeah we can tell," Gene said, looking at the baby in Shannon's arm. "You kind of left the evidence behind." 

"And I couldn't be happier that we did," Eric said with a wink, giving me a kiss, and like always when he kissed me it felt like there was nothing in the world but us.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now