Cheer Up

459 17 14

~Time Skip 3 Months!~


I sat down heavily at the dinner table with a wince, rubbing my baby bump. The baby responded by flipping around inside of me, and I shivered.

"Come on now, let's not do this. You've been wiggling around all day, I can hardly get a moment's peace," I grumbled. 

Eric kissed me on the cheek, setting my plate in front of me. 

"How're you feeling?" he asked. 

I looked at the plate he put before me, feeling my stomach churn.

"I'm so sorry, I can't eat this," I murmured.

"Don't be sorry!" he said, kissing me again. "What sounds good, anything? Do you want something from a restaurant, the store, something to drink?" he asked. 

I mulled it over before giving him a kiss.

"Just some noodles with butter, that's all," I said. 

"Are you sure you don't want anything else?" he asked, giving me a concerned look, and I nodded. 

"I'm positive. I just want some noodles, don't trouble yourself! Here, eat dinner first though, I'm not hungry right now anyway, I feel nauseous." 

Eric sighed, setting down his plate and Stephanie's.

"I'm sorry this pregnancy hasn't been as easy as the first one," he said sadly. 

I picked up his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Don't be sorry! It's all worth it to have another baby," I said, before turning to the door to the living room, where I had been watching Stephanie play while Eric cooked. "Stephanie! It's dinnertime love!" 

She ran into the room, making a beeline for me and putting her hands on my stomach.

"Hi baby!" she said.

I smiled, ruffling her hair, fighting back a shiver as the baby squirmed around even more, tickling my insides uncomfortably.

"The baby says hello to you too! Can you feel them move?" I asked, nudging her hand a bit to the side where the baby was kicking.

"Uh-huh! It there!" she said excitedly, patting me on the stomach. 

"Yes! And in five months, you'll be able to hold them!" I said.

"Imma be sister!" she said, and Eric smiled, scooping her up in his arms and planting a kiss on her forehead before setting her in her booster seat, cutting up her dinner. 

"Yes you will be! You'll be the best sister," he said, setting a sippy cup of water beside her before sitting by my side. 

I spent most of dinner with a hand on my baby bump, trying to get my baby to settle down. I also did my best to fight back nausea, only picking at the noodles Eric made me while he and Stephanie enjoyed the assumedly delicious dinner. It was more than just pregnancy making me feel sick, although that was a large part of it. There was also the unshakeable feel that something was wrong with our baby.

Later that night, after we had put Stephanie to sleep, I laid beside Eric in bed. He had one arm around my waist, the other resting on my stomach.

"How're you feeling?" he asked gently.

I sighed, leaning my head on his chest.

"I still don't feel very well," I admitted. 

He kissed me softly, eyes filling with worry. "Do you need to talk about anything? You've been quiet lately, I'm worried about you." 

Shaking my head, I turned away, lying on my side and staring at the wall.

"I'm just really worried about the baby," I murmured. 

"Bunny I--" 

"I know what you're going to say. That the doctor said that everything's fine and that nothing will happen and our baby will be just fine. I'm trying to believe it, I really am, I'm just so worried! When...when I was young, too young to remember, my mom was pregnant and had a stillbirth. That was her second child after having a daughter a few years earlier, I'm scared it'll happen to me too." 

He rubbed me on the back, kissing the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry. I can understand why you have that fear, and that you've been upset you drank the first month because you didn't know, but everything's going to be okay. I really do promise you that. I love you and Stephanie more than anything, the last thing I want is for either of you and our baby to end up hurt." 

I nodded, rolling back over to face him, burying my face in his chest and trying not to cry.

"Everything will be okay. We're going to have a perfect baby. Luxury Carr is going to be healthy, I promise," he said after a pause. 

I snorted with laughter in spite of myself. 

"Absolutely not. Nice try." 

"What?" he asked innocently.

"We're not naming our baby Luxury Carr. That's even worse than Race," I said.

"You're no fun," he grumbled, before his face lit up. "Oh! If it's a boy I'll just nickname him Sport! Like sport car!" he said.

I burst into laughter, hugging him tight. 

"I love you. You always find a way to cheer me up and make me feel better," I said.

Smiling, he gave me a kiss.

"Well, I'm your husband, that's my job. Now get some sleep." 

And I found I was able to drop off to sleep quite easily while held in his arms. 

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now