All Clear?

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I sat in the waiting room at the doctor's, heart racing. Stephanie was sitting on my lap, holding a stuffed bear that Bruce had gotten her, chewing on its ears. Eric was sitting beside me, holding my hand.

"Don't worry about a thing," he murmured, kissing me on the cheek.

"But what if---"

"Nothing's wrong with our baby," he said, squeezing my hand.

I let out a sigh, holding Stephanie close.

"I really hope you're right."

A nurse walked into the waiting room, looking at her clipboard.

"Mrs. Carr?"

My heart leapt like it always did whenever I was called that, a wonderful reminder that Eric and I were married. He took Stephanie from me, walking with me to the exam room. And by the end of the appointment, it was confirmed that I was in fact six weeks pregnant, and to my immense relief that so far everything seemed to be going well.

"Ah, see? Told you it would all be okay! I mean come on, the baby's a Carr, it's bound to be perfect," Eric said with a smile as we walked out of the doctor's office, holding Stephanie's hand as she toddled along beside us.

Smiling, I sat in the passenger seat, resting a hand on my stomach.

"It's funny, we had just been talking about having more kids just before we got married. Seems like whenever we talk about having kids I wind up pregnant soon after," I said with a smile.

"Mm well in that case, maybe it'll be a discussion we have more often in the future," he said with a wink.

"How many would you like?" I asked as we drove off.

"I think at least three. But what do you feel?"

I frowned, mulling it over, before leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I feel as though we should let life give us as many as it pleases. It'll be a family with you, and that's what matters most."

I could see him go pink as he looked away, flustered.

"Aw cmon Bunny, you're making me blush," he mumbled, and I giggled, heart melted.

I sat on the kitchen floor, playing dolls with Stephanie later that evening as Eric cooked dinner before he let out a gasp, dropping the spatula he was holding.

"What's wrong?" I asked, giving him a worried look.

He gave me a wide grin, eyes shining.

"I just had the best idea!"

"Oh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"What if we named the baby Race? Then its name would be Race Carr!" he said.

I blinked, looking at him, before bursting into laughter.

"Eric no! That's an awful idea!" I cried, laughing so hard I was nearly in tears. "We're absolutely not naming our baby Race Carr!"

"Aw you're no fun," he pouted, turning back to dinner. "I think it's a great idea."

Still giggling, I rose to my feet, slipping my arms around his waist.

"Come on now Honeybee don't be so upset! If we get a dog I promise we'll name it Race Carr, alright?" I said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

He let out an overdramatic sigh, kissing me back.

"Fineeee. I bet Gene will think it's a good idea," he grumbled.

"Gene said he'd name Nick 'King Simmons'. He's not at all a person whose judgement you're allowed to listen to when it comes to baby names, nice try," I said, returning to Stephanie's game.

"But honey! I'm a famous rock star, my kids can have cool names if we want!"

I smiled up at him.

"Just because we can, doesn't mean we should. How's 'Race' going to look on a job application, hm?"

"It's gonna look cool as hell," he muttered, turning back to dinner.

"We'll get a dog and name it Race, I promise. But not for our baby."

"Guess I'm lucky my wife is so smart," he said with a smile, and I smiled back, resting my hand on my stomach again.

"Yes you are."

"Mama? What baby?" Stephanie asked, tugging at my sleeve. "Like dolls?"

I exchanged a glance with Eric and he shrugged, shutting off the stove and sitting on Stephanie's other side.

"Well, how would you feel about being a big sister?" he asked, playing with her hair.

She gave him a confused look, before holding up one of her dolls.

"My baby!" she said with a smile.

Eric grinned, kissing her on the forehead.

"Well, your mama is going to be having another baby, like you used to be! So you'll be a big sister in about eight months! How does that sound?"

"Like Nick?" she asked, and I nodded.

"Exactly! I've got a baby in my tummy just like your Aunt Shannon does," I said.

She tilted her head to the side, still looking confused, before nodding slowly and going back to playing with her dolls.

"I'm sure it'll be easier for her to understand as I get further along and she gets older," I said, giving Eric a kiss as he rose to his feet.

"Well, she'll understand when she sees her sibling for the first time at the very latest," he said, and I felt my heart flutter, already thinking eagerly of the arrival of our second baby.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now