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Eric POV

"Are we sure about this?" I asked, setting our suitcases in the trunk and shutting it. 

Y/N gave me a kiss, smiling.

"She'll be fine. We're only going to be on our honeymoon for a week and a half! Stephanie loves hanging out with Nick, she won't even miss us," she said reassuringly. 

I let out a sigh, nodding.


"What, are you not happy to go on a week and a half romantic getaway with me?" she asked, pouting playfully.

"Oh! No-no it's not that at all, I'm thrilled to! I mean you're the love of my life, of course I wanna have a honeymoon with you! I just also love our daughter and I'm worried about her being alone."

"She won't be alone, she'll be with Shannon and Gene and Nick. Shannon and Gene know how to take care of an almost three year old. We're going on this vacation to relax, don't forget that," she said with a wink.

"Alright, alright, you win," I said with a smile, giving her a kiss before walking inside with her. "Okay Stephanie, your momma and I are gonna go on a trip for a few days, you'll be staying with your Auntie Shannon and Uncle Gene!" I said, scooping up my daughter in my arms.

"Buh-bye Dada!" she said, kissing me on the cheek, before squirming out of my arms and into Y/N's as she said her goodbyes. 

Finally, after making sure Shannon and Gene knew what they were doing, Y/N and I said our final goodbyes and drove off. 

"Gosh I haven't been to the beach in ages, this'll be a dream," Y/N said, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. 

"It'll be a dream, and especially since it'll be with you. Damn I really can't believe we're married," I said. "I can't...I can never ever put into words how happy you make me. You're just...you're truly the most perfect woman there is. You're a perfect wife and a perfect mother." 

She kissed me on the cheek again, squeezing my free hand. 

"You're the sweetest man to ever walk the earth, and I'm the luckiest woman to have ended up with you. You just...you just complete me." 

We chatted the entire drive, just happy to spend time with each other, before reaching our beachside resort. I carried our suitcases in, checking into the front desk before heading to our little villa.

"Well, what do we want to do first?" I asked eagerly, giving her hands a squeeze before kissing the wedding ring on her hand.

"Hm, how about we go to the beach? And then we can get dinner after!" she said, and I smiled. 

"That sounds perfect!" I said. 

She shrugged off her shirt, undoing her bra, and I felt my heartbeat quicken as I stared at her perfectly sculpted body. She was practically a goddess, as if I was looking at a Greek statue in a museum. Y/N giggled, rolling her eyes.

"Come on Honeybee, don't act like you haven't seen me naked a hundred times," she said, starting to pull on her bikini.

I captured her in a kiss, hands roving over her body. 

"So? I've seen the sun set more times than I can count, and I still find it just as beautiful every time," I murmured. 

"My gosh I love you," she said, gently pushing a strand of hair out of my eyes before kissing me again.

Soon we had gotten changed into our swimsuits, heading down to the beach. We walked along the shore hand in hand, waves lapping at our feet. It was hard to decide which was more beautiful, my wife or the ocean, but I was pretty confident that my wife had the sea edged out. After splashing around in the waves a bit, we sat in the sand, her in my lap with my arms around her waist, and watched the sunset together.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now