One Of Two Arrived

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~Time Skip 3 Months!~


Letting out a yawn, I shifted over in bed until I could reach the phone, picking it up.

"Hello?" I mumbled

Gene: Hey Y/N, sorry to call you so early, I just wanted to let you know that Shannon and I had our son a few hours ago, and they're both doing fine and she said she wants you to visit as soon as you can.

I smiled at the sheer excitement in his voice. I could practically see his ear-to-ear smile.

"Oh I'm so happy to hear that! Tell her I'll be over in a few hours and congratulations!"

Gene: Thanks! Anyway I've gotta run, I'll see you later!

"Mm Bunny who was that?" Eric mumbled, slipping an arm around my ample waist.

"Gene, Shannon had their baby a few hours ago!" I said.

He perked up, leaning over and giving me a kiss.

"That's great! We'll have to go see them soon! You should head over first, you've known Shannon for ages and I don't want to overwhelm her with too many people."

"I'll head over in a few hours," I said.

He smiled, resting a hand on my baby bump, which was a lot bigger now that I was nearly six months along.

"That'll be us soon," he murmured, and I shivered as our baby wriggled around within me, tickling my insides.

"You've got no idea how excited I am."

A few hours later I was walking into Shannon's room, giving her a smile.

"Y/N! Come see him!" she said, beckoning me over.

I sat beside her bed, accepting the little bundle of blanket and baby I was handed, letting out a soft gasp as I held him in my arms.

"Oh Shannon, he's the cutest thing," I murmured.

"Y/N, meet your nephew Nick," she said, absolutely beaming.

I looked at Nick with a smile. He was adorable, swaddled in a hospital blanket, asleep, cheeks still red, little button nose wrinkling as his face furrowed before he began to cry.

"Oh!" I said, and she laughed, holding out her arms.

"Here, I'll take him. He's probably hungry," she said.

I handed back her son, wincing and rubbing my back.

"Have a seat, please!" she said, gesturing to the chair beside her bed that was most likely usually occupied by Gene.

Giving her a grateful smile, I sat down, rubbing my baby bump.

"Thanks. Gosh, I can't believe that'll be me in four months," I said.

She shifted Nick in her arms so he was better positioned for nursing.

"It'll go fast. And it'll be so, so worth it."

"How's Gene feeling?" I asked.

A wide smile split her face as she let out a lovesick sigh.

"Oh Y/N it was the sweetest thing! He cut the cord and was the first person to hold Nick and he just couldn't bring himself to let go of him long enough for the doctor to clean and weigh and measure him and all. It's adorable how instantly protective of Nick he was. I know he was nervous about being a father but I'm positive he's just going to be the most wonderful parent, I'm so excited to have our little family."

"I'm so glad," I said, giving her a smile. "He's really just such a perfect baby, I'm glad everything's alright with you two. Where is Gene?"

"Oh, I started craving a sandwich from Subway so he went to get me one. I'm sure he'll be back soon! But how are you holding up?" she asked, looking at my baby bump.

I rested my hands on my stomach with a fond smile, feeling my baby squirming around.

"I'm doing alright! My back is killing me and my feet are swollen like you wouldn't believe but oh Shannon feeling them move around is jut the most wonderful thing. These next three months are going to be agony."

"I know how it feels! But believe me, it's absolutely worth the wait," she murmured, looking at Nick with a soft smile.

I stayed for a bit longer but left once Gene arrived, wanting to give them their moment as a brand new family, desperate to have that moment myself.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now