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~Time Skip 4 Years to 1987!~


I walked into the airport beside Shannon, heart fluttering.

"And you're certain their plane arrives soon?" I asked breathlessly.

Shannon laughed, shaking her head, long blond hair rippling.

"Yes, I'm certain. Gene and I were talking last night!"

"But their concert isn't until next week and—"

"And Gene is flying out early to see me and asked Eric if he wanted to come with him to see you, and of course he said yes since he's as madly in love with you as you are with him but neither of you will admit it to the other," she said, cutting me off with a teasing smile.

"We're just friends, that's all," I mumbled.

"My gosh Y/N, you cannot stand there and tell me you both aren't wishing to be more than friends! It was love at first sight for the both of you! Gene's told me that Eric hardly shuts up about you and is constantly bemoaning the fact he's a mess around you. Apparently him and Bruce enjoy teasing Eric about it."

"He's just shy in general," I mumbled, cheeks flushing.

"Oh hush. Bruce is shy in general, I'll give you that. Gosh that man needs to realize what a catch he is and get out there more. Mm maybe we've got some friends who would be willing to go out with him," she mused, before shaking her head. "Anyway! Eric does love you, just admit you love him too!"

"For the last time, we're just friends!" I protested. "If he loved me he would've said something, he's had four years!"

Eric POV

"We're just friends! She would've made a move, she's had four years!" I said.

Gene arched an eyebrow, giving me a pointed look, before accepting the soda the air stewardess handed him, flirting with her for a moment before turning back to our conversation.

"She likes you, don't be stupid. You two are both head over heels in love with each other! She's as shy as you are, so just make a damn move on the poor girl and end the tension!" he said in exasperation.

"Well I know but—"

Before I could finish my sentence, the stewardess returned, putting a hand on Gene's shoulder and murmuring something to him. He grinned, rising to his seat before turning to me.

"I'll be right back," he smirked, and I just rolled my eyes. Sure I liked sex as much as the next person, probably more, but I always at least had the decency to finish my conversation with a friend first. And I also didn't cheat on whoever I was dating.

Heaving a sigh, I pulled a cocktail napkin toward myself, doodling a little Fox at a drum kit on it, surrounding it with flowers as I waited for Gene.

"My name's Gene Simmons and I think with my head alright, but it's sure not the one on my neck," I muttered under my breath.

A few minutes later he sat back down in his seat, slightly breathless, and gave me a grin.

"So where were we?"

"Well we were having a conversation before you bailed to join the mile high club," I grumbled, and he laughed.

"Join? Oh Foxy I have been a card-carrying member for years!"

"Whatever. Look if you really think I should tell Y/N I like her as more than a friend, what's your bright idea for how I should?" I snapped.

"Easy. The plane lands, we disembark, you see her at baggage claim, run up to her, and kiss her. Simple as that," he said with a shrug.

I let out a sigh, sinking lower in my chair, stomach churning at the thought.

"Maybe," I mumbled. "We'll see."

After a few more minutes, we landed, taxiing up to the tarmac. Gene's words kept echoing in my head as I walked with him to baggage claim.


I turned to watch Shannon run over and leap into Gene's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him passionately. I turned to find Y/N standing by the luggage carousel, giving me a nervous smile, cheeks pink, and I felt my mouth go dry. She was just beautiful.

'You see her at baggage claim, run up, and kiss her.'

Taking a deep breath, I forced a smile and walked over to her, heart beginning to race.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now