Pop The Question

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~Time Skip Two Months!~

Eric POV

Humming to myself, I gently ran a brush through Stephanie's hair, gathering it up into a ponytail before tying it with a bow and planting a kiss on her forehead.

"You are just the cutest thing, you know that? And I am so glad you've got the most beautiful curls now. Gosh you're so adorable," I said, straightening the orange bow that held her hair back.

A pair of arms went around my shoulders as Y/N leaned against my back, kissing me on the cheek. 

"Well she's got a very adorable father, so it makes sense," she said. 

Heart soft, I turned my head so I could give her a kiss, scooping up our daughter in my arms. 

"And the most beautiful woman in the world as her mother," I said.

Stephanie began to babble, reaching out toward Y/N and opening and closing her hands in a cute little grabbing motion. Giggling, she gently took her from my arms, giving her a kiss.

"You are the cutest thing!" she said.

"Ma-ma," Stephanie burbled, and I sighed.

"When's she gonna say my name?" I grumbled.

Y/N smiled, kissing me on the nose.

"She doesn't even know what she's saying, she's just repeating what we say. It'll be soon, don't worry,"  she said reassuringly. 

Shaking my head, I took Stephanie back from her.

"Well she better! Anyway I'm gonna go run errands now, we'll be back soon!" I said.

"You sure you don't want to leave her here?" Y/N asked. 

"Positive! I like spending time with her, it's fun," I said, grabbing her diaper bag before kissing my girlfriend goodbye and driving off. 

I felt bad for being a bit dishonest with Y/N. It wasn't that I wasn't running errands necessarily, I just wasn't running the errands she thought I was. Heart fluttering, I pulled into Bruce's driveway, unbuckling Stephanie from her carseat and walking up to his door, ringing the doorbell. There was a pause before he pulled it open, giving me a smile.

"Hey Eric! And hi Stephanie," he said, ruffling her hair.

She immediately held out her arms, making the same grabbing motion, and Bruce chuckled, taking her from my arms. She rested her head on his shoulder, tugging absentmindedly at his hair as he held her as naturally as if she was his daughter. 

"So you're still able to help me with this right?" I asked, walking inside with him.

"Mhm. I am an expert after all," he teased, and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"You proposed one time. You're not an expert."

"Hey, still more times than you have," he said, sitting on the couch and bouncing Stephanie on his knee. 

"Whatever. Cmon you're supposed to help me, not make me more nervous!" I said, running a hand through my hair.

"Look, you've got the ring, and you're proposing to a woman who loves you very much. It's going to go fine," he said soothingly.

"Well how do I propose?!" I asked. 

"What was your first date?" he asked, and my face went red.

"McDonald's," I mumbled, and he bit back a laugh. 

"Maybe not that then. You could make her homemade hamburgers though. I think you should do a dinner at home, since both of you really enjoy spending time together as a family, and then you ask her," he said.

An idea hit me and I smiled, jumping to my feet.

"Oh I've got it! Thanks Bruce I know what I'm gonna do now, I gotta run to the store to get some things and then head home, I'll let you know how it goes!" I said eagerly, scooping up Stephanie and waving goodbye as I left. 

After going to the store and getting everything I needed, I returned home just in time for Y/N to put Steph down for a nap. I hung out with my girlfriend while our daughter slept, cuddling with her on the couch as we watched a movie until I got up to make dinner. My heart was racing the entire time as I cooked, and it only got worse as we ate dinner, with Stephanie playing with Cheerios more than eating them. 

Finally, I rose to my feet, giving Y/N a kiss. 

"I'm going to go grab dessert," I said, walking into the kitchen.

I took the ring from my pocket, looking at the sparkling opal set in the silver band, which she had made a comment about being her favorite gemstone. 

"Okay Eric. You can do this," I murmured, setting it on the dollop of whipped cream that topped the slice of homemade apple pie I had struggled over all afternoon. 

Taking a deep breath, I picked up the plate and walked into the kitchen, setting it in front of her and kissing her on the cheek.

"Eric...what is...is that...a ring?" she stammered, looking at me with wide eyes.

I nodded, heart pounding. 

"It is, because...because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I could never be happier than I am with you and with Stephanie, and I want the whole world to know, I want to be able to look at you and tell people I'm your husband, that I've got the most wonderful wife in the world, that I'm the luckiest man on the planet since I got to marry you. So if you'd like...will you marry me?" I asked.

She didn't even hesitate to jump to her feet, throwing her arms around me and pulling me into a kiss. 

"Yes! Of course I do!" she cried, and I smiled, kissing her back, easily the happiest man on the planet at that moment. 

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin