Are You?

791 19 14

~Time Skip One Month!~

Eric POV

I pulled off my costume, grateful we had two days before the next show. The dressing room was empty save for me, everyone else busy elsewhere. Shaking my head, I pulled on my regular clothes, desperate to get back to my room and talk to Y/N. She had been feeling poorly the last few days, and while I was worried about her, I was also worried about what I thought might be wrong.

After I got changed, I walked to the green room where I knew Shannon was, and hopefully Gene too. Ever since a groupie had suggested to Gene that she'd be willing to force Shannon to miscarry, they very rarely left each other's sides, Shannon going to every show.

When I pushed open the door though, only Shannon was there.

Hey Shannon?" I asked casually.

"What's up?" she asked, not looking up from sorting through fan mail Gene had been sent, methodically pulling out every nude or scanty photo from the envelopes and putting them in a shredder with a very self-satisfied smile.

"This is um...maybe a weird question, but how did you know you were pregnant?" I asked. "Like what made you decide to take a test?"

"Oh, well I found myself just being in awful moods, so many little things would upset me so much more than they ever had normally. I felt achy too, and threw up often, so I assumed I had the flu or something. It was mainly the mood swings and the fact I had to use the bathroom what felt like every twenty minutes that got me suspicious."

I nodded, still trying desperately to act casual.

"Ah, I see. Well that's sweet you and Gene are gonna have a baby!" I said.

She frowned, looking through more letters.

"It would be a lot sweeter if it wasn't for the fact he seems intent on fucking every whore he runs into, that asshole," she growled, before her face grew pink. "I'm sorry, that was a bit out of line," she said sheepishly. "He's promised he's stopped, I'm really trying to believe him."

"Well I hope he has! If it helps I haven't seen him with any groupies lately. Anyway I don't wanna bother you while you're busy, I'll see you around," I said with force cheer, walking out of the green room.

My heart was racing as I walked back to my room, where Y/N was sleeping. All those signs and symptoms checked out perfectly with her. And I had only recently remembered she hadn't been taking any birth control, since it had been confiscated by customs back in England, meaning there was a lot higher chance she was pregnant than there would have been.

Shaking my head, I paced back and forth outside our room.

"Hey Y/N, I know this is kinda weird but do you think you might be pregnant?" I muttered to myself. "Aw no I can't ask it like that, otherwise she'll think I'm saying she looks fat! Dammit how do I ask her then? Come on Eric, think!"

I continued to pace, wracking my brain. "Just tell her you've noticed some symptoms and you're wondering if she's pregnant, and if not ask her what's wrong and how you can help," I concluded at last.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walking into our room. Y/N lifted her head from the pillows she was laying on on the couch.

"Hi Honeybee, how was the show?" she asked.

I sat on the edge of the bed, picking up her hand.

"It was fine. But um...I-I need to talk to you about something. I'm worried about you, you haven't been yourself or feeling well, and well I-I mean you've got a lot of very similar symptoms so-so...are you pregnant?" I stammered.

She sat all the way up, mouth agape, and rested a hand on her stomach.

"I...I'm not sure," she murmured, looking terrified.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now