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At last we reached the restaurant and Eric paid the cab driver, taking my wrist and walking inside with me, evidently not quite comfortable enough with me to hold my actual hand. I mean I couldn't exactly blame him, we had only just met, and I wasn't any more collected around him. We walked up to the door and he reached out, grabbing the handle to open it for me, but the door didn't budge. He tried it futility a few more times before turning to me, face going red.

" I forgot they close at 9 and it's past 12 maybe we should go somewhere else?" he asked sheepishly.

"We can do that!" I said, giving him a smile.

We took another cab, ending up at one of the few places that was still open at this hour, McDonald's.

"Sorry about this," Eric said sheepishly, walking inside with me. "I really did mean to take you to a nicer place, I just f-forgot what time it was 'cause I was distracted by y—"

He bit down hastily on the rest of his sentence, mumbling 'never mind' and walking up to the counter. I stood beside him as he ordered two hamburgers and a side of fries, accepting the drinks he handed me and moving to a booth. Eric walked over after a pause, holding the tray with our food, cheeks still burning in embarrassment.

"Again I'm really sorry. I promise our next dinner will be nicer," he mumbled.

I smiled, looking at the food, feeling my own face growing pink.

"It's okay. The nice part of any meal is being with you," I said softly.

A pleased smile spread across his face.

"Oh! That's good! I'm really glad to hear that. And-and the same goes for you of course! Any place is nice if you're there."

My heart melted and I gave him a warm smile.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner, I'm excited to get to know you better."

"Me too! I-I mean get to know you better, of course. I like to think I know myself pretty well," he said, going right back to adorably flustered.

I just smiled, taking a sip of my drink, absolutely enraptured by him.

The meal was as good as McDonald's can be, although as we had both agreed the most important part was being with each other, not the burgers and fries we were eating at nearly one AM. We seemed to be the only sober patrons in the restaurant, as most were college-aged kids either drunk or stoned and greatly enjoying their McDonald's.

Finally we had both finished and returned to sit on the curb, chatting and waiting for a cab to drive by. Eventually Eric had managed to flag one down, proudly saying that he was a New Yorker and it was second nature at this point.

"Well maybe I'll have to visit you in New York, so you can change my west coast ways," I teased, and he grinned.

"Maybe you will."

We seemed to be a lot more comfortable around each other by the time we reached my apartment and he walked me up to my door.

"We'll have to meet up again! I-I know we just met but I'd really like to be friends with you," Eric said, giving me a smile.

And even though I wanted desperately to be so much more than friends with him, I smiled and nodded.

"Me too!"

He hesitated, about to hug me, before opting to awkwardly shake my hand, going right back to flustered as he mumbled a goodbye and practically ran down the stairs. Giggling, I stepped inside, picking up the phone and dialing Shannon's number.

'Hello this is Shannon Tweed, I can't come to the phone right now, leave a message and if you deserve it I'll call you back.'

"Hi Shannon, it's me. Look I want to apologize again for earlier, that was really uncalled for, and to be honest I was just a bit jealous of how quickly you and Gene got together. If you forgive me give me a ring tomorrow and I'll stop by to tell you how dinner went," I said, hanging up and flopping onto my bed with a dreamy sigh.

"Gosh I love him," I murmured with a smile.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now