Family Meetings

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I felt sick as I sat beside Eric on the subway, clutching his hand tightly.

"What's wrong?" he asked, giving me a worried look.

"I'm just really worried your parents won't like me," I whispered.

"Oh Bunny don't even think about that! They're gonna love you!" he said, squeezing my hand and pulling me to my feet as we reached our stop.

"But what if I'm not good enough for them? Or they think I'm not good enough for you?" I asked.

"They're going to love you, I promise you they will! I've told them about you already, they're thrilled to meet you!" he said, trying his best to reassure me.

The sudden thought that he had completely oversold me to his parents wormed its way into my head, the possibility I was going to disappoint them merely by being myself, and the sick feeling got worse.

"Y/N? Are you okay? You went really pale," Eric said worriedly.

I dropped his hand, running to the nearest trash can and getting sick up in it. He gathered back my hair without hesitation, rubbing me on the back until I jerked my head up, desperate to get away from the smell of the garbage.

"Are you feeling sick? We should reschedule, you're not doing well and—"

"No!" I cried, terrified they would be disappointed in me for rescheduling. "No, no, I just get an upset stomach when I'm anxious."

He gave me a smile, kissing me softly on the cheek.

"I promise you, I swear on my life you've got nothing to worry about. How could anyone not love you? Now here, let me get you some ginger ale to wash your mouth out and help settle your stomach," he said, pulling out his wallet and walking to a nearby vending machine.

"Oh no Honeybee you don't have to—"

"I absolutely do have to and I already have," he said, slipping in a $5 and pressing the appropriate button.

As he collected his change I cracked open the can, taking a small sip, relieved to see I didn't immediately feel awful. Eric walked over, slipping his arms around my waist and giving me a squeeze, resting his chin on my shoulder as I took another sip.

"Are you feeling better? We really can reschedule, they'll understand completely!" he said.

"No, no. First impressions are the most important, I can't ruin mine by not showing up."

"Well you probably don't wait to ruin it by throwing up on their carpet either," he said with a shrug.

"Eric!" I wailed, and his face immediately shifted to panic.

"I'm sorry I-I was just joking! You won't babe it'll be fine don't worry! That won't happen at all, you'll do fine, they'll love you!" he said desperately.

Shuddering, I drank some more ginger ale.

"Gosh I hope you're right," I murmured.

He gave me a kiss, wrapping me in a warm hug.

"I will be."

We walked the last few blocks to his parents' house, with me clutching his hand as if he was the last thing holding me on the earth.

"Alright, ready?" he asked, giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"I'm ready."

He walked up the steps with me, knocking on the door. It didn't even take a minute for it to be flung open by a beaming woman.

"Paulie! Oh it's so good to see you!" she said, giving him a hug.

He smiled, hugging her back.

"Hi Mom, I missed you too! This is Y/N, my girlfriend," he said, giving me a smile.

Mrs. Carr turned to me, eyes filling with tears as, to my surprise, she hugged me too.

"It's so wonderful to finally meet you dear! Goodness Paulie has told us so much about you! We were all so happy when he told us you two finally got together, we've been waiting for it to happen for five years!"

"Oh it-it's so nice to meet you too Mrs. Carr—Caravello," I corrected hastily.

"Oh dear that's not necessary! Please, call me Connie! And come in, goodness! Albert! Paulie and Y/N are here!" she called over her shoulder, leading us into the home.

"Sorry, she's not usually so energetic. She's just really excited we're visiting," Eric said with a sheepish smile.

"She's such a wonderful woman! No wonder you turned out so nicely," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Eric was right in that I had absolutely nothing to worry about, as Albert and Connie both loved me, as Eric had said they would. I loved them too, as they were just as sweet as Eric, and it was very reluctantly that we said our goodbyes after dinner.

"It was so nice to finally meet you!" I said, giving Connie a hug. "You've truly got the most wonderful son, I don't think I've ever met a better man. You must be so proud."

"Of course we're proud," Albert said, and Eric grew red as Connie hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Now we expect to see you two at least every other week for a Sunday dinner! And of course drop by any time you want!"

"We will!" Eric said, giving my hand a squeeze as we waved farewell to his parents, and I couldn't help but wonder if they'd be my in-laws one day.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now