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Bill was gobsmacked by the end of the story.
"I'm going to go and give you guys some space." Hermione said. "I'll see you later."

"Thanks." Alex called after her. Bill moved and sat next to Alex on the bed.

"I'm going to hug you." He warned, before putting his arms around her. She smiled.

"You don't hate me?"


"After everything Hermione told you. I've killed people."

"That wasn't you." He said. "That was Voldemort. You didn't have a choice."

"I didn't have to go in the first place."

"Protecting your brothers. It's kind of your thing. You went to protect Ron." He said. "Because you care about him. You care about us all, and we care about you."

She hugged him tighter, her eyes beginning to water.

Alia's reply came four days later, with a box of potions that could help stabilise George's balance issues, as well as a sheet with the ingredients for the potions.

George was lying down in his bed seeing as any movement, including sitting gave him a bout of vertigo. Alex knocked before entering.

"Hey, Van Gogh." She greeted.

"Ha ha." He rolled his eyes.

"You might want to be nicer to me. I am, after all, your knight with shining potions."

"Really?" He tried to sit up and Alex hurried forward to help him.

"Yeah. Take this." She tipped the contents of her vial into his mouth. It took a moment for the potion to work its magic but he quickly sat upright, letting go of his sister. He hesitated but attempted to stand up.

"Hey, I can walk!" He grinned.

"Alright go show mum. That ought to give Bill and Fleur some time to sneak away a while."

"They'll be married in two days, anyway. They'll have all the time they want then and for the rest of their lives." He grumbled but headed out. By the sound of her mother's squeals, Alex assumed he'd walked into the living room.

She followed after him and walked over to Bill. "You and Fleur probably won't be missed for the next few hours, if you wanna hide out." Alex whispered.

"That was you?" He asked.

"Sort of."

"I told you." He smiled fondly. "It's your thing. Protecting your brothers."

"Oh shut up." She moved away and sat beside Amélie.

"Ever imagine you and I would become family?" Amélie asked and Alex shook her head.

"Not at all. But in an odd sort of way, they fit." Alex said.

"Fleur really loves him. She's never really had many boyfriends, so it was a bit of a surprise."

"They're so sappy, it's actually kind of sickening."

"Must be a Weasley thing." Amélie remarked.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You and Cedric were very... cute. It was disgusting."

"We were nothing like Bill and Fleur."

"Sure." Amélie said, humouring her. Alex stick out her tongue as Gabrielle appeared. She started speaking rapid fire French and Alex had to blink and take a moment to translate it in her mind first.

"We'll all be matching, Gabby." Amélie answered. "And we'll put your hair in a plait just like all of us. It'll make your eyes stand out."

"Yeah, don't listen to Fred. He's just been really bored without his partner in crime."


"I promise." Alex said and she nodded, and stalked furiously over to Fred. "I don't know if I should feel sorry for him."

"He really shouldn't have freaked her out over the wedding." Amélie said and Alex nodded in agreement. "So, you never answered. Why is Pedro Sanchez here?"

"He showed up last year and we haven't been able to get rid of him. Like a gnome. An irritating, dumb garden gnome. And then he started teaching at Hogwarts, so we can't just kick him out. That's what my mum says anyways."

"I like your mum. She makes good decisions. Remind me to thank her for this."


"He's nice to look at." Amélie argued.

"Again, ew."

"You're going to deny that he's handsome?"

"I've never noticed."

"How do you not notice? Look at him."

"No thanks." Alex said.

"Hermione would agree."

"Hermione's been proven to have bad taste, trust me." Alex scowled. She stood up. "Come on."

"Where to?" Amélie followed after her to the kitchen. Pedro was sitting with a plate of leftovers.

"What are you doing here on your own?" Alex raised her brow. He didn't look up.

"Some of us actually like ourselves and can tolerate our own company."

"Well, that's good. At least you know one person likes you."

"What do you want?" He rolled his eyes. "Shouldn't you be trying on clothes and twirling around?"

"Feeling jealous? You can wear a pretty dress too."

"Go away, unless you'd like to ruin my lunch too."

"Where are your manners? You haven't even acknowledged Amélie yet." He looked up and saw the blonde girl.

"My apologies, Amélie. I didn't think anyone would willingly be hanging out with Alex." He apologised. "Would you like to take a seat?"

"What, with you? Don't torture my friend, please."

"When did you learn how to make friends?" He shot back.

"Want some tips?"

"You're the last person I'd go to for some."

"Are you guys joking or do you actually hate each other?" Amélie asked.

"I don't hate him, he's just annoying."

"You're the one who tries to kill me every chance you get."

"I don't try to kill you. That's a bit tedious, you're just a wimp."

A/N- Favourite line is "Well, that's good. At least you know one person likes you."

Alexandra Weasley book 7Where stories live. Discover now