Episode 37

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Devraj distanced himself from coming to their house and even stopped calling them as well. However the distance between Shehnaaz and Sidharth was not reduced. They hardly spoke to each other.

Sidharth spent extra time in office working overtime and working on weekends. He himself asked his boss for an additional project so that he kept super busy and away from home. He was unable to get over the fact that she wasn't pursuing her dream.

Shehnaaz often stressed out much due to her work, managing home, running errands, attending doctor's appointment alone and Aadya's homework.

Shehnaaz had approached her 5th month, she couldn't even celebrate her perks of pregnancy like getting pampered or enjoying the kicking of her baby.

Everything was irritating her and she was found screaming at everyone she met with a slightest of trigger.

Getting influenced by the other kids at school, Aadya was throwing a lot of tantrums making it more difficult for Shehnaaz or anyone to handle her. The only person Shehnaaz was patient toward was Aadya.

Aadya asked Shehnaaz to make her favourite food, noodles for dinner. Shehnaaz was feeling a bit under the weather.

Harpreet: Bebu, you take rest and I'll prepare it.

Shehnaaz: But Amma, you don't know how to make it.

Harpreet: It's like vermicelli only, a bit thicker. I'll cook it for more time then vermicelli.

Shehnaaz: No Amma, It's a different kind of recipe.

Harpreet: Okay, you tell me the procedure and I will make it for her.

Shehnaaz: Amma, she will start throwing tantrums which would be much difficult to handle than making the noodles. I'll manage.

Shehnaaz though wasn't able to cook, she prepares the noodles and gives it to Aadya. She kisses her forehead and gives her the plate. Shehnaaz goes to her room to take rest. Aadya goes to the room after sometime.

Aadya: Mummy, I want noodles. (She says angrily by placing both her hands on her hips)

Shehnaaz: (surprised) How did you finished so quickly? I only made that much for you baby. I thought that would be enough for your tummy. Will make more tomorrow.

Aadya: No, I want it now, now, now!!

Shehnaaz: Aadya, you already ate na sweetheart. Please darling, Mumma isn't feeling well dear. I promise, I'll make it tomorrow. You love mumma right?

Aadya: No, I hate you. I hate you, hate you hate you. I don't want you.

Shehnaaz eyes welled up. Sidharth too wasn't showing his love to her and now Aadya was also saying that she doesn't love her. Harpreet came to the room and her heart wrenched looking at her daughter.

Harpreet: (scolds at Aadya) Aadya, she wasn't feeling well yet she made noodles for you and you are saying that you hate her? Stop hurting my daughter!

Aadya frowns and goes outside. Harpreet hugs Shehnaaz and pacifies her.

Sidharth returns home and finds Aadya crying.

Sidharth: What happened sweetheart? Why are you crying?

Aadya: I asked mumma to make noodles but naani scolded me.

Sidharth picked up Aadya and went to the room where he found Harpreet sitting on the bed carressing Shehnaaz's head which was placed in her lap.

Sidharth: (roars angrily) Shehnaaz, now that you have your own baby in your womb, you are ignoring my child, Aadya? On top of it, your mother scolded her as well. And now as you enjoy your sweet slumber in your mother's lap, my child is left like an orphan alone outside. I didn't expect this from you. You proved that a step mother will always be a step mother, no matter what.

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